The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 949

“Please, there’s no way his majesty thinks of such trivial matter.”

“Who’s to say,” he shrugged, “-I’m an admirer of love.”

“Right,” Starix hung on the ‘ght,’ part, throwing suggestively annoyed looks at the rather odd couple, “-wait, where are they?”

“Vanished behind the line of trees there,” pointed his majesty, “-let the broth simmer,” he spun, “-I’ll be inside. Send for a maid once enough material is gathered, also,” he smirked over his shoulder, “-the gardener’s shed should be a great fit.”

There was no describing the alluring feeling of a maiden’s heart – Eia felt as if she were back in her prime, ‘-I’m free to love, free to choose, and free to entertain,’ a manly grip held her by the waist and placed her upon a ledge.

“We shouldn’t,” her flushed cheeks and inviting gaze countered a pitiful attempt at deniability.


“Allow me,” returned a soothing exhale, “-you’ve suffered a lot, the worlds against you, everyone’s an enemy. You should enjoy what the world has to offer, allow me to show thee the way to Elysium,” he reached underneath her dress, she gasped childishly, “-majesty,” he softly laid her against the table and moved into her legs, “-peer into my eyes,” he caressed her cheeks, “-and relish the thought of youth.”

Affairs at the upper echelon weren’t unheard of. Most were palace whispers, idle chatter of bored maids. In her case, promenading couples stayed clear of the noisy shed, moans, and screams muffled despite the confined and secluded area.

“What you up to?” a friendly tap startled Starix.

“My,” he refocused, “-lady Minerva, how’s it going.”

“How’s it going?” her arms crossed, “-since when does the strategist use how’s it going?”

“Ah,” he sighed, “-no use hiding the truth,” he held out an earpiece, “-have a listen.”

The virtuous goddess frowned, raising an eyebrow, “-what is that?”

“A little something called passion of the day.”


“I regret it,” the head shook, “-regret it when I said it. Please forget that comment.”

“Tell me,” she kept her composure, “-why the sudden interest in carnal desires?”

“Didn’t thee notice the voice?”

“As if I’m one to listen. Who is it?”

“Ambassador,” he laughed, “-in her attender’s own word, ‘-relish the thought of youth.’

“Certainly, I mean, standards pretty low for her to fall for such a blatant ruse.”

“Asmodeus’s incubuses are all over the castle. Their charms are irresistible.”

“I’d say,” her interest wavered, “-send someone to fetch her, we’re ready for negotiations,” an unimpressed Athena left the ‘youthful,’ balcony in direction of the washroom. ‘Blackmail before parle, have an advantage over the other. How will Igna use the ace I wonder?’

Time passed and an unkempt Eia barged from the shed and fell onto a flowerbed, ‘-what the hell?’ she gasped for air, heart raced beyond control, her legs trembled, pins and needles rippled and a neatly dressed fellow leaned to offer a hand, “-my lady, Eia, are you well?”

“Yeah, I think I can manage,” she accepted his hand coyly, “-you’ve awakened feelings I thought I’d lost, just who are you?”

“My name’s Ishta, a humble worker in service of his majesty. Now, my lady, our exchange, I rather it be kept a secret,” he whispered, “-we don’t want rumors to spread, do we?”

“Rumors?” she slammed her hand against the shed, boxing the courteous butler, “-who cares,” her cheeks flushed, “-Ishta,” she grabbed and pulled his tie, having their lips millimeters from contact, “-I want another round.”

“My,” he closed the gap deeper, “-someone’s raring for an adventure.”

“Let me lead this time,” she sadistically bit her lips and pulled the incubus.

Starix send a report to a dull negotiation room, where on one side sat Igna and the four ministers and on the other, Riaz, Eia’s bodyguard, and a small party of statesmen. “My apologies,” Riaz broke the ice, “-my ladyship is usually very punctual. I should go find her.”

“No need,” interjected Igna, “-why don’t we start the preliminary talks. No decision will be made – not a bad idea to get the formalities out of the way.” Forced to accept the king’s generosity, Riaz nodded, ‘-my lady, you’ve put us in a tough position. Making a king wait is a worse offense. Look at the glaring attendants – if it had been in Dorchester, the ambassador’s head would be on the floor by now.’

Footsteps shattered the silence, Riaz’s opportunistic mien dropped, seeing a maid opposed to her ladyship. A note arrived at his desk, “-majesty, it’s from Starix,” she whispered, “-Queen Eia seems preoccupied.”

“Understood,” he replied, “-drop the flushed expression, a lady mustn’t look so excited.” She covered her mouth, made a half-attempt at a bow, and left, “-what you say to her?” soon whispered from éclair’s cautious stance.

The letter read, “-to my dear master – we’ve captured all of Queen Eia’s indiscretion. At the risk of looking suspicious, the footage will be edited to seem like security footage. Creating a narrative is best done at the hand of professionals, but we can’t employ them, therefore, I’ll take the responsibility of watching the film and sending compromising pictures. Suggestive hints should suffice for smooth negotiation,’ a snap burned the note in a white puff, “-shall we begin?” he looked at éclair, who signaled assisting personnel. Both sides shared expectations of what was to come of the peace talks.

“On behalf of the Holy Church of Lucifer – lady Eia will be representing the church. Her word is to be viewed by the same standards of the late pope Greg,” cautioned Riaz. Both sides went back and forth, allowing the attendants to speak their minds, debating and coming to their own conclusion. A deadlock meant neither side had the upper hand – the most likely scenario as it presented itself was mutual peace and heightened military movement.

‘We control Castle Gris, a strategic location for Dorchester. Latter control the archipelago,’ passed éclair and Minerva’s mind, ‘-we have at least thirty thousand men captive including prince and princesses. We fought to the bitter end – not allowing a single fighter to be caught by the enemy.’

‘Our inventory’s only worth as much as they’re willing to pay,’ observed Minerva, ‘-what’s thy move, Dorchester.’

Minutes turned an hour and a half – maids brought teas and snacks, a kick in Riaz’ face. Peace talks turned picnic. Oxshield kindly kept a respectful stance – smilingly courteously yet emptily at their opponents.

*Click,* the handle moved, Riaz turned with low expectation, “-my apologies,” said an exhausted representative, her arrival calcified the room. Everyone wore their best poker face, all except Eia – delirium of her satisfied exchange was read and smelt. Riaz sheathed his disappointment, “-my ladyship is present, shall we start the nego-”

“No,” exclaimed Igna, Riaz’s heart leaped, ‘-we’re done...’ bounced within the cranium, endless possibilities of the nature of their punishment ruined what little confidence was held. “-let’s have a recess. Lady Eia seems a little out of her usual self. Please, take the time needed to get her under control,” without question, Igna’s tone made certain for them to understand he held no respect, “-let’s rejoin in a couple of minutes.” King and his ministers left on a high note, side-glancing a confused Eia.

“What’s with them?” the distant sound of the closing door announced privacy, “-I made it a few minutes late is all, what’s the big idea?”

“MY LADY!” he sprang to a harsh stand, “-do you have any idea how long the king’s been waiting for us. Wasting time is the worse offense a leader can do to another, my lady, please tell me it was in reason.”

“Is youth a good enough reason?” she winked.

“Youth?” speechless looks ended at his feet; attendants were beyond appalled, “-what does that even mean?”

“Let me tell you,” she grabbed his hand and closed the gap, “-I was taken to a world I never experienced before. A place equal to Elysium, I wish I’d stayed for longer. By the way, why’s everyone looking at me strangely?”

“My lady... are you under the influence?”

“What influence?” she tilted her head, “-I only had sex a couple of times, why, is that bad?”

“WHAT?” he forcibly held her mouth, “-you did what?” he eased.

“I had intercourse,” she blinked vacantly, “-is that not allowed?”

“Was it consensual?”

“Yeah, I practically forced the man to stay. Let me tell you, it was the best moment of my life,” she exhaled reminiscently, “-what of the negotiations, I’m ready to win this battle.”

Riaz dropped and buried his face into his hand, “-why did they pick you?” he murmured, “-I came all the way from the Wracia Empire to this mess. Are you serious, giving my position as a direct council to the emperor to this atrocious display. Whatever happened to basic morale,” he sat back and glared the ceiling, “-what ever happened to not betraying your husband. For the love of God, you’re the mother of the rightful prince,” his expression dropped, “-my lady,” quick to grab her shoulder, “-no one saw you, right?”

“Don’t think so?” she replied with the same drunken tone.

Meanwhile, Riaz brainstormed, Igna and his ministers waited inside the royal office, “-why did we leave?” sipped éclair, “-what was the note even about?” Igna conjured a holographic display and allowed the facts to speak for themselves. A bigger game unfolded, from Piers to now – all went according to plan. Saniata entered the office casually, “-hello pops.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the heroine of tonight’s game, Saniata Haggard.”


“It began with Piers,” he explained, “-prince consort was having doubt, we asked him to give the queen this little pill to alleviate any potential risk of infection. I mean, we did return from a plague-infested province. As expected, the fatherly love didn’t suffice, he had not the stomach to subject his daughter to some random medicine. Instead, as agreed by the sign, she arrived at the bar demanding booze – a signal I knew the plan had failed. Thus, we opted for the second, seduction.”

“Pops, Vanesa did spike the queen’s drink...”

“Even better.”

“So, what’s the whole peace talk about, broke persisting laws, yes?” poised Ela.

“No, not really,” he shrugged, “-merely circumventing what is deemed appropriate.”

“Brother, dear brother,” Eira applauded the scheme, “-a game well played. Listen up, people,” she gathered the ministers, “-we’re given an opportunity to take what Dorchester stole. If morality of current turn of event is inadequate – resign.”

“What resign, just like that?” argued Ela.

“Good or bad,” added Minerva, “-who cares. The war continues without bloodshed. If I, apostle to the goddess of war and wisdom is unbothered by said morality, what’s the excuse?”

“I meant nothing grave. Only wished to bring the matter of resignation.”

“Right, right,” éclair jumped into the fray, “-calm down, lady Eira and lady Ela, we need not draw blood here.”

*Tap, tap,* “-majesty,” skipped a confident Starix, “-I have the pictures.”

“What pictures?”

He stopped from placing the other foot, “-I’ll be back later...”

“Don’t you run,” Minerva teleported and grabbed his wrist, “-do tell us of the pictures.”

Revealing images soon passed from hand to hand, “-damn,” added éclair, “-Eia can be quite the freak. Imagine using a watering can in such a way...”

“Don’t praise her,” exhaled a dejected Minerva, Ela snickered.

“What’s the matter?”

“For a virgin goddess, you sure are free.”

“Whatever does that mean, Ela. Is there maybe something you’re trying to suggest, like my vow of celibacy?”

“No, don’t twist the words. What’s with the complex, Minerva, I was only kidding.”

*Clap,* “-good work, Starix, we’ll take it from here. The ambassador should be ready to talk.”

Five heralds, key holders of Hidros fate entered the room indifferently. Igna horned onto Riaz, the man sweated buckets, fingers stained in ink and a despondent Eia at his side.


‘No way I’ll let you out from the discussion,’ *Mantia – Book of Restoration, Honzela, fifth passage, broken art be fixed, fixed art be broken, eternal cycle; creation and destruction, the levy for reality changes prospective, watcher watches, creator creates, destroyer destroys, and restorer restores, Hicht.* her eyes widened into a loud thumb, “-what have I done!”

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