Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 506

It took Will quite a few hours to make a contact with me. It was past midday when he finally contacted me.

- Where are you, Peter? - he just asked through coin out of the blue.

- Pub - I replied shortly.

- Ok, I\'ll be there in a minute. Don\'t go anywhere.

- Ok - I agreed.

I wasn\'t planning to leave, since I just got a fresh mug full of beer to finish. I drunk it casually, but with clear intent to finish, while just eavesdropping on those few, who were inside, drowning their sorrows in alcohol at such an early hour.

Will finally joined me, when I was halfway done.

- Hey - he said, as he just dropped on the chair on the other side of my table. - Everything is ready, but before we start I need to make sure you will know what to do.

I rose my eyebrows in a silent question. I noticed he was wearing his combat clothes. A sturdy kevlar jacket with shoulder pads and metal bracers on his forearms. Everything painted dark.

- I got the streamers. I told them that we are reevaluating one of the hunting grounds, and asked them if they maybe want to come and see the best hunters of Arc in action. They obviously jumped on this proposition, and practically begged me to come along. I got Nobuo, Martin, Alice, and Sanders on board. They know what to do, but you still don\'t. All you need to do is to be cool. Do some cool shit, but none of this scary stuff you pulled on the CIA guys, ok? Be flashy, but not too flashy. Casual, but strong.

I sighed.

- Hey! It\'s important. We need to activate their imagination, ok? We can\'t scare them, or show everything we got. We have to make them talk, and be confident, put out some big dick energy forward, so they will pick on our narration, and make the internet die out of curiosity how are the other guys compared to us. Soon the whole world wide web is going to be speculating, and that can only lead towards one outcome.

- Ok, I get it. No army of shadows. No heavy explosions. No passing the speed of sound. No ripping the monsters apart with my bare hands... Wow, you really tied my hands, didn\'t you?

I watched as Will\'s expression changed as I spoke, He went from smiling, to confused, to curious.

- Wait... You can go past the sound barrier? - he asked, raising his eyebrows.

I shrugged my shoulders.

- Who knows? I guess we won\'t be finding out in this episode.

He opened his mouth slightly, checking out his front teeth with his tongue, as he slowly nodded.

- Oh, I see what you did there - he said. - I like that. Create a legend. Give them a whole bunch of questions with no answers. Ok, yeah...

He stood up, for some reason clearly invigorated.

- Let\'s go - he said, and left without waiting for me.

I finished my beer and then also got outside. Quick glance told me that they were gathering in the city center. There were a group of people, standing and talking with few familiar faces belonging to my friends, and also a small number to the people I met only recently. There were two other members of Sparkle I did the show with together with Kim Eun-seok.

Besides that the group of internet celebrities of names I was about to learn. All hunters were fully equipped. Martin was towering above everybody with his giant frame, full black and red plate armor, and the big-ass morgenstairn resting on his shoulder. Not to mention the big smile - his signature.

Nobuo had his usual samurai attire, with two katanas fixed to his belt. Alice was sitting on Razzle\'s back, with a spear on her shoulders and hands resting on the spear shaft. Nil had a simple leather armor covering his torso, leaving the jacked arms revealed. By his belt were resting the metal knuckled with blades fixed to them.

I went towards them with my hands in my pockets and confidence.

- Oh, here he is - said Will, as I got closer. - Everybody, maybe you remember, or maybe you don\'t, but this is Peter, and he will be our taxi today.

My eyebrows climbed up on my forehead. He just smiled as he noticed it.

- You still can move to the giant\'s territory, don\'t you? - he asked.

- Yeah...

- Ok, great, because that\'s our destination. Oh, and those guys are Raymond...

Will pointed out a tall guy with an athletic physique in simple black clothes. Jeans and a T-shirt. He had one day beard covering his chin. He could easily be a model with a face like that.

- I used to play football - he explained under the pressure of my gaze.

- Mimi - Will continued his introduction pointing at a small Asian woman with cute white hair, and colorful decorations on her head, including cat ears. - Jean...

The third person was another girl, this time with long black hair, and a \'fuck off\' painted all over her pretty face. She had a white shirt on, and jeans.

- Russ... - A tall, black young man with a confident smile. He was quite elegant, in a white shirt, black tie, and pair of black pants. - And Mack.

The last guy was also Asian. Shorter, and with a bit of a belly, and smile on his face. Something in his persona told me he liked to clown around.

- I think you already know Kim Eun-seok, Nancy, and Agatha - he said at the end.

I nodded.

- Ok... Hi everybody. As this asshole said, I\'m Peter, and I will be your taxi today, so be so nice, and grab each other\'s hands - I said.

Few people greeted me back, and they did what I asked them for. I ended putting my hand on Will\'s shoulder and just shadow walking us to the giants\' territory.

- Holy shit - said Raymond as we appeared in a completely different landscape in a split of a second.

Others were scared at first, looking around carefully, and when the first person spotted the giants, lurking around the entrance to their lair, they pointed with their finger.

Mimi squeaked, but quickly close her mouth.

- It\'s showtime! - said Nil, but before he even started moving forward, Nobuo bolted at monsters. - Shit! Wait for me!

They both came running towards the hudge figures.

- You are sure this is a place for us? - asked Kim Eun-seok.

- Relax. You are safe with us, so just watch - said Will, as he extended a hand, and a sword appeared in it with a flash of light.

Nobuo and sanders clashed with the giants. The samurai with two moves cut the whole led of his enemy, while avoiding a tree trunk, and jumped towards the other, making the monster fell on his ass. Then he finished his fob.

Nil had a similar tactic. With one jump he ended in striking distance of the enemy\'s knee, and blasted it with a punch, making him collapse while groaning in pain. Then rushed forward, ending on top of him, and delivering a series of deadly punches to the face.

The two of them were doing great, even after more of the opponents surrounded them, but since the giants were crowding around the two hunters, most couldn\'t engage because of the limited space, so few went towards us.

Members of the sparkle started to mumble in fear while pointing at the approaching group. Martin went forward, and with a strong swing send his weapon flying at one of them.

- Waa! - escaped his mouth as he did that.

Morgenstern hit the first giant chest, knocking him down, and turning to smoke, as the ribcage broke because of the impact. Then he extended his hand, and the weapon came flying back. He grabbed it in the midair and rushed forward.

Few of Will\'s swords, shining with the strange light, blasted by him and dug into the monster\'s bodies rising clouds of smoke. Martin stopped, sliding a bit on the ground, and turned to look at the guy who just stole his pray.

Will just shrugged his shoulders.

- That was cool - said Mack.

There was no time for discussion though, as another group started approaching.

- I guess it\'s time for me  - said Alice. - Go Razzle!

She sat astride on the cat\'s back, and the animal jumped forward, gaining speed in a few long leaps. I could feel the flow of mana transferring from her to the beast, and Razzle leaped even higher into the air, as he got closer to the first enemy, landing on his surprised face, and digging deep with the claws. Alice swiftly jumped out of Razzle\'s back, and landed on top of the giant\'s head, pressing her spear down with all her weight and utilizing the kinetic force working on her body.

The monster turned to smoke, and the duo landed on the ground, to quickly gain some distance, as the rest of the enemies approached.

Will gave me a look, indicating it\'s time I would start doing something.. I sighed.

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