Rise of The Anti God

Chapter 384 A Bitter Struggle

Nathasia\'s heart dropped when she saw Damien grimacing in pain as he got shot from behind and had his movements faltering. She knew he was trying his best to not give up for her.

But Damien clenched his muscles and ignored all pain as he continued to run. He could clearly feel the bullet on his back, creating a very painful and stinging sensation on his back, as if a hundred knives were stabbed at the same point.

Still, his pain tolerance was quite high, and he was able to move even in such an injured state.

Nathasia became angry and took Damien\'s gun to fire at the men behind. Damien let her take over since he was too injured to even twist his arm around and aim. He was barely holding Nathasia and had no idea how long he could keep this up.

Nathasia was still bleeding from her head and had her vision becoming blurry in and out. But she shook her head and squinted her eyes to gain back more control of her mind.

And even in such a state, she was able to fire a shot at the man who shot Damien, instantly killing him with a headshot.

But she saw more men descending down the slope with more dogs as well. She only had one gun and a limited number of bullets, after which they would have nothing to protect themselves with.

Yet, she continued to shoot at the men who were getting too close even though the pain in her head wasn\'t getting any better.

But suddenly, they came to a stop, and right when Nathasia turned around to see what made Damien stop, her body lost all strength upon seeing a dozen men surrounding them from the front and a man in white armor and helmet, slowly walking forward and seemed like the leader of these dozen men.

The white armored man had a long sword on his back and was walking with his hands behind his back, and his chest puffed out.

"The Crimson Devil...what an honor to meet the devil the whole world fears and hates. To think that you have ended up in such a pitiful state...I just can\'t believe what I am seeing. Oh, in case you don\'t recognize me, I am Blade Angel...the only angel in the world to purge the only devil in this world," Blade Angel said in a tone full of confidence.

Damien\'s eyebrows pinched together upon seeing this man with a gaudy costume, and he didn\'t even care to bother about his words. Instead, like a hawk, his eyes were glancing around to see any possible ways of escape.

"Look no further, devil. You are finally cornered, with no paths of escape. Look around and see for yourself to see how doomed you are," Blade Angel said as he spread out his arms.

Nathasia\'s eyes reddened as tears trickled down, seeing people in uniforms surrounding them from all directions. In fact, there were too many of them, enough to make her feel her chest caving in from despair, knowing that there was no possible way they could fight their way out.

At least, not in their present condition. She was too weak and injured to use her powers while Damien was the same as well to even effectively fight. She knew his powers were out of the question because she knew if there was some way for him to use his powers no matter the cost, he would have used it already.

Damien slowly took out his sword from behind his back and pointed at Blade Angel.

"Oh, you want to challenge us? Very well. Men, use your knives and have a go at him. Let\'s see for ourselves how special the Crimson Devil\'s sword mastery is. Let\'s see if he is a match for my sword," Blade Angel ordered, and immediately a dozen men standing near Blade Angel holstered their guns and took out their bayonets.

Then without any warning, the ten soldiers charged at Damien with the large and sharp knives in their hands from all sides.

Damien hugged Nathasia even closer with just one hand and shielded her away from the reach of the incoming onslaught.

But since they were coming from all sides, Damien took the initiative to slash down at the men who tried to stab him from behind, and with just a single move, he decapitated two men.

Blade Angel was taken aback, seeing that Damien was still able to kill so effectively even with such injuries.

A sly glint flashed across his eyes as he took out his pistol and fired at Damien\'s leg.


Damien suddenly felt one of his legs going weak, and seeing that Blade Angel played dirty, his eyes were filled with rage. But a soldier took advantage of this momentary opening and slashed his arm.

But Damien quickly reacted and slashed at his neck.

Nathasia\'s heart ached upon seeing Damien being shot at while fighting all these men and even getting slashed at because of it. She looked at Blade Angel as anger boiled her blood. She desperately wished that she could kill him immediately or have him drop dead.

Despite not being able to see his face, Nathasia could see that Blade Angel was enjoying this show and didn\'t even care whether his men died or lived. All he wanted was to see the Crimson Devil struggling like a trapped duck and toy with him.

Damien continued to bleed, but he bitterly fought, and finally, he killed all ten men before he felt his legs buckling and kneeled on the ground.

He felt as if his limbs were becoming numb, feeling no strength left in them. The dizziness he was feeling in his head was making his head feel heavier.

Nathasia tried to hold back her tears but seeing how much of a bad shape Damien was in, she couldn\'t stifle her sobs. She didn\'t even tell him to drop her anymore since she knew he wouldn\'t, and there was no point in doing it now as well.

All she did was hug his neck, feeling his warmth since she had no idea when she wouldn\'t be able to feel it anymore.

She also realized that even without him saying anything, he indeed cared about her. Otherwise, he could have abandoned her before and escaped by himself.

This made her feel happy and sad at the same time. Happy to know that he might have feelings for her but sad to know that this exact reason made him end up like this because of her yet again.

"Bravo!" Blade Angel clapped his hands and said, "You indeed uphold your reputation, devil. Even after losing your powers, you are so formidable. It still makes you a huge threat to the world. But that girl in your arms...it seems like you really care about her. How shocking! The Crimson Devil who killed almost all of mankind caring for someone? Hahaha…"

Nathasia\'s fingers almost clawed into her own skin hearing his words.

"Well, let\'s see how much you care about this woman, shall we?" Blade Angel said as his lips curved into a malicious smile.

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