The Love of a Lycan



Jedrek was heartbroken when he noticed that his mate was whimpering in her sleep, as her body had already turned cold. He tried to make her more comfortable and warm, but no matter how much effort he tried to put in, it couldn\'t even make her feel any better and the king could only hate himself more because of this.

It was like a reminder for his atrocious decisions in the past. He didn\'t know that this would backfire on him in such a way that made him wanted to kill himself for seeing the pain on Lilac\'s face.

However, while cradling Lilac in his arms, he remembered what Raine said to Torak in the dining room earlier.

Serefina also suffered like this? She had the same condition like Lilac? What did that mean?

Jedrek tried not to think too much into it, but the more he tried not to do that, the more he found himself wanting to know the reason.

It would be a lie if he said that he had gotten rid of the witch\'s thoughts clearly from his mind. Serefina was still at the back of his head, the place where he buried the memories of his father and those atrocious years he spent under the control of the devils.

But, she was still there…

The memory of her was still somewhere in that dark place and Raine\'s words made those memories resurface along with his question that Serefina had been avoiding to answer.

Why did she left him?

They had an argumentation when she left, but it was not enough to make her leave him for the past few centuries and avoid him.

So, what exactly had happened?

As if Lilac could feel Jedrek\'s faltered heart, she sobbed softly and Jedrek\'s attention was shifted back to the present, where he had his mate in his arms, whimpering because of his stupid actions.

If Lilac was being like this because Jedrek had killed her and she was resurrected by the moon goddess, then… was it the same case for Serefina?

Someone killed her and she had been resurrected too? But, for what? The guardian angels had their own mission to accomplish, what about Serefina?


"Why are you staring at me like that?" Rossie was holding baby Eddard in her arms when Calleb entered the room, but the Gamma did nothing except for staring at her from the doorstep where he was standing.

"You look beautiful," Calleb said with a sigh, as he walked inside the room.

Rossie could feel her face reddening, but she murmured while shifting her attention to the baby in her arms. "Why did you say that all of a sudden?"

Calleb approached Rossie to stand behind her and hugged her, resting his chin on her shoulder while relishing her scent.

"I am just starting to voice out what I always think about you." At this moment of time, every second could be their last moment together.

Everything was simply unpredictable.


Torak watched lord Bayle and around a hundred of his men walking through the gates, as he stood right at the foot of the stairs which led to the terrace, with Raine beside him.

"Alpha Torak, it is good to see you again," Lord Bayle spoke with his hoarse voice, a smirk appeared at the corner of his lips when he saw Raine. "Luna Raine… I am glad to see you two all right."

Raine held his gaze, but didn\'t say anything.

"I am surprised that you are still alive while the rest of the people in the castle died," Torak reciprocated his greetings. His expression was devoid of any form of emotion, despite the fact that his blood boiled with anger at the way lord Bayle was staring at Raine.

"I am very fortunate that I can survive along with my people," he replied humbly. "And also managed to save one of your people." He didn\'t forget to mention his merit, which was only wishful thinking on his part that it could cover up the fact he had ran away from the battle. "May I know where he is now? He promised me something."

"Which I don\'t think he will give you," Torak couldn\'t tolerate the dragon lord\'s pretense any longer. They didn\'t have much time for this small talk. "What do you want Bayle?"

"Alpha Torak, I just came here to collect the reward that had been promised, there is no need to be hostile toward me," he said, waving his hand and glanced at Raine again.

[Torak, I don\'t think you can offer the same thing you offered to Stephan to this shifter.] Raine mind-linked Torak.

Stephan was different. He was a simple man, but the creature before her, was someone who was unpredictable, even Raine could feel something was off about this shifter\'s stance if they gave him the same offer they presented to the earth dragon shifters.

[I know,] Torak replied and caressed her back to soothe her worries.

"I thank you for what you have done to Ethan, but I don\'t really appreciate your decision to run away from the battlefield." Torak folded his arms in front of his chest. "Honestly speaking, I am quite upset to know this news."

"My apologies Alpha Torak, but you didn\'t make things any easy for us." Lord Boyle slightly lowered his head, yet it mostly felt like a mocking gesture for the one who saw it. "You wanted us to fight when we can\'t even shift into our beasts."

Torak laughed dryly when he heard that kind of excuse. "Do you think I will believe such an excuse from you? You, dragon people, will not exist to this day if you just relied on your beast."

"Just like you, I needed to save my people but unlike you, I don\'t have many of my kind that were left." Lord Bayle raised his head and looked at Torak in the eyes before stealing a glance at Raine. "What should I do then? Should I break the rule and shift to fight those beasts?"

When Lord Bayle was busy pushing his luck, Calleb stepped forward and successfully attained the former\'s attention.

Lord Bayle noticed that Calleb was actually carrying something in his hands when he thrown it up into the sky, out of the blue. Once that thing rolled in the air, the clothes wrapping around it unraveled and revealed something which was covered with blood.

It was a dragon heart.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=13952362506619705)/every-moment-is-precious_%!d(string=50900737156241359) for visiting.

"That is what happened to the last dragon shifter, who tried to break a rule," Torak said icily.

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