The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 265 - Emilia VS Amos

When it came to the love of his life, he would obviously not put all of his trust in someone else, much less when it was his incompetent bastard of a father. That bastard couldn\'t even pick out reliable subordinates for him, so how could he be trusted with such an important task?

Unfortunately, he had no better helpers, and that bastard still controlled Black Tiger with an iron hand. So Amos had no choice but to grit his teeth and make use of his father\'s help, no matter how unreliable it was.

Amos smirked. \'It\'s fine. Not everything can go my way, but I can always turn the situation in my favor. As long as that bastard makes a move and disrupts the situation, I can just take advantage of the situation and swoop in to save Crystal!\'

After all, even if his father was incompetent, he couldn\'t be a complete failure. Amos was sure that with his interference, whatever the situation was, it would definitely turn in their favor.

Although he already knew how much the girl loved him, Amos couldn\'t help but feel a little excited when he thought about it. The hero saving the damsel in distress was classic for a reason, after all.

Amos smiled. With his charm, even that witch, Danielle, had fallen head over heels at first sight. When he played the hero saving the damsel in distress, wouldn\'t Crystal fall in love with him all over again?

Thinking of the love of his life swooning over him uncontrollably, the hero felt like there were flowers blooming in his heart. "Wait for me Crystal, I\'ll definitely come for you."

Just as he was about to reach for his zipper, however, a few armored SUVs rushed right past his car and all distracting thoughts left the hero\'s mind. "Follow them carefully! Don\'t you dare lose sight!"

The driver was shocked as he almost instinctively slammed on the brakes to reduce the speed of the vehicle, afraid of getting involved with the constantly crashing vehicles ahead.

A huge gap opened up between them and the speeding vehicles immediately, and Amos felt his face go pale as he realized they were about to lose sight in the pursuit.

"FUCK!" Enraged, the hero immediately pulled out his gun and placed the barrel against the driver\'s head. "Do as I fucking say before I blow your brains out!" Turning around to glare at the bodyguard, he sneered. "And you, be ready to follow me!"

Now that they were already at this point, it didn\'t matter if the man snitched to his father, after all.

The bodyguard\'s expression remained grim and indifferent as he nodded while staring at the crashing vehicles.

Only one thought kept running through the man\'s mind as he looked at the gun in the mentally unstable boy\'s hand through the corner of his eye. \'I should have resigned sooner.\'

The road was suspiciously deserted throughout the \'chase\', but Amos was too excited to notice such a minor detail. His bodyguard noticed, but knew that there was no point in mentioning such a thing.

The armored SUVs soon pushed the luxury car out of the main road and into an alley.

By the time the hero\'s car arrived at that position, they were greeted by only empty vehicles with open gates blocking the way. Presumably, the people inside were being chased through the alley.

Even as Amos stepped out of his car, the sound of gunshots sent chills up his spine. "F-Fuck… screw it!"

Gritting his teeth, he rushed past the \'wreckage\' and dashed with the gun in his hand, right towards the direction of the gunshots, followed shortly by his bodyguard.

Thankfully, the path was quite straightforward, and Amos was sure he would soon find what he was looking for.

Meanwhile, the driver heaved a huge sigh of relief once both of them rushed away. "I\'m alive!"

"E-Emilia, y-you can put me down now, I\'m really not dizzy anymore!"

Obviously, Crystal had been quite rattled during the chase, even though Emilia had already told her to brace herself before it happened. Since they had no time to let her adjust, the redhead had picked her up the moment she wobbled upon exiting the car.

Emilia just grinned as she continued dashing with the heroine on her back while Dixie followed her closely. "Don\'t worry, you\'re super soft and easy to carry."

The red-faced blonde could only close her mouth in shame, resisting the urge to hit the girl. After all, if she really couldn\'t control it, not to mention Dixie might make talcum powder out of her bones, even she would feel extremely guilty.

That being said… the temptation was really strong!

Thankfully, Emilia didn\'t continue running like that for too long, and put the blushing girl down gently before turning to Dixie. "You hold her down, alright?"

The dark-haired girl frowned in confusion as she closed in on the suddenly vigilant heroine. "Hold her down?"

The redhead nodded as she patted the blonde girl\'s head. "This little baby is very emotional, sometimes. But I trust you to control yourself well. No matter what happens, believe in me, understand?"

The knight couldn\'t help but feel a little choked. Hadn\'t she lost control so poorly before? But her princess was still willing to believe in her! "E-Emily… This time, I definitely won\'t disappoint you!"

Crystal stomped her feet anxiously as she felt Dixie grab her shoulders. Her grip wasn\'t tight at all, but she knew she would never be able to get out. "H-Hey, hey! What do you mean by this? What are you going to do, Emilia?!"

Emilia smiled. "Well, just believe in me today. I have this situation under control, even if it looks strange, so don\'t panic, alright? Stay put here, and enjoy the show."

Before the two of them could question her further, the sound of footsteps rushing in their direction ended up interrupting their conversation, and a silver-haired boy soon rushed towards them, looking horribly out of breath.

The hero huffed and puffed as he tried to control his breathing from running too fast, but it only became worse when he saw the love of his life being held by that whore\'s personal thug. "B-Bitch! I\'ve found you, d-don\'t think you can run!"

"Be careful!" Crystal\'s face turned pale as she immediately noticed the gun in the boy\'s hand, as well as his glare in her direction. \'I knew he hated me for sticking to his ex-fiancée, but this guy is really crazy!\'

Amos smiled to himself. Even in this situation, where she was obviously captured and likely to suffer the most, the love of his life still remained so selfless, even reminding him to be careful of these bitches.

Was there any better girl in the world? Truly deserving of being his other half!

He didn\'t even realize that the bodyguard who had been following him was no longer there.

To Crystal\'s shock and horror, Emilia didn\'t seem to pay her warning any heed at all, and swaggered in the silver-haired boy\'s direction with a smile. "Why, if it isn\'t my idiot of an ex-fiancé, huh? You did quite well to separate us from the bodyguards, but what are you going to do now?"

Amos chuckled while tucking the gun into his belt. While it would feel good to see this bitch die in an instant, his fists were itching for some action, and his heart burned to show his valor in front of his one true love. "You little whore, you think you can handle me just because there\'s two of you and I\'m alone? I\'ll beat you both to fucking death!"

Emilia smirked, and Cynthia couldn\'t help but applaud her for how incredibly evil she managed to look with that adorable face. "Come get your ass kicked then, I\'ll make sure to leave you alive~"

The hero laughed. "Today is the day you fucking die, bitch!"

As the two of them closed in, Crystal breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the guy had tucked his gun away, though she was still worried that Emilia would get her hands dirty while taking care of the moron. "W-Why don\'t you go help her?"

Dixie gave the whispering heroine a strange look. "Weren\'t you here when she gave me that lecture on trust and obedience? Do you want me to get spanked?"


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