A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 800 Vivian With The Dwarves

"You are worried about Eldrian?"

"Yes. We know he isn\'t one of us, but... To betray him like this."

"You don\'t need to consider it a betrayal. Besides, whether this will ever come to pass will depend on his actions from here onward. The stage is set. It simply depends if he is going to walk onto it or not."

"You make it sound like we aren\'t manipulating him towards that stage."

"It ultimately still depends on him."

"That doesn\'t make us feel any better."

Silence settled between the two.

"But, we have an agreement?"

"We do. In return, you will supply us with the key. Nothing less will be accepted."

"Yes. I understand."

"Las, don\'t charge ahead!" A poor dwarf shouted, rushing to keep up with a red-haired maiden who always rushed ahead of the vanguard. Her blade the first to be covered in blood as she charged the enemy without a shred of hesitation.

"Move your short ass faster!" Vivian countered, diving into the fray without a mind for Theas\' complaints. These battles were just what she needed to vent her frustrations.

Countless mindless monsters. Few were a true threat to her, their strength laying in their numbers. The perfect target for her anger.

At least, that was how she saw them. To most, they were a deadly foe. Their Abyssal gaze a terrifying ability that could cause a unit to fall into disarray and even full-blown panic. To her, however, it only brought up her normal thoughts.

The world was already terrible. She was keenly aware of this. Their ability did nothing but reinforce this in her mind. Reinforced the cruel reality of the once naïve thoughts she had held with an idealistic view. When she had believed simply being strong would be enough to avoid tragedy.

Worse, it reinforced how her suffering, and the suffering of their entire world, was but a ploy of a select few. And not even the gods at that. A laughable thought that just rubbed salt into her wounds.

Gods playing with the lives of mortals was easier to stomach.

If she could, Vivian would have dearly wished to kill those responsible for the hell that was their world. Heck, she would even settle for a god as the intermediates. But she knew she was strong enough. Hence, she fought. She slayed. And she trained.

She sent these poor spider-like creatures flying with each swing of her flame wreathed sword. Causing massive unhealable burning scars and outright killing most. Cleaving her way towards the center, towards the queen of the cluster.

It screeched upon noticing the blaze heading towards it like an arrow. Piercing through its children without mercy. Noticing the peril it was in, the queen screeched again. A desperate cry for help. A loud, ear piercing sound that caused the entire cavern to shake. A cry that was answered.

Answering her call came multiple similar screeches from all directions. Echoing through the cavern and nearby connecting tunnels. The clicking sound of millions of little reavers followed not long after. A sound amplified by their numbers, numbing to the senses as it rocked the entire mountain.

"By Dragos\' flames, Vivian, stop! This is a trap!" The clicking of millions of reavers drowned out Theas\' shouts. He watched as Vivian continued onward, clenching his teeth as he followed behind. Shouting at everyone to not follow.

They watched as their commander rushed after Vivian, many wishing to move forward to help. However, their orders were clear. They were to guard the passage and ensure that the reavers could not tunnel from here towards the nearby cities.

This passage was critical in their defense against the reavers. The surrounding rock was too hard for the reavers to tunnel through. With the passage secured, they would finally have a true line of defense against the reavers and most other enemies. No longer having to reactively defend against their attacks. At long last, they would have reclaimed their lost territory.

Arriving before the queen, Vivian did not slow. She charged ahead with fire in her eyes. The queen, however, was not as easy to kill as her children. With agile movements, it avoided Vivian\'s sword and returned attacks with multiple of its sword like legs.

Vivian was quickly placed on the defensive, the fast strikes of the reaver queen proving hard to meet, and the constant assault of the surrounding reavers slowing her attacks and inching past her defenses.

To survive, Vivian relied on her trusty sword\'s abilities. Surrounding herself with fire and buying herself the time she knew she needed.

As things were appearing bleak, Theas arrived. Just as Vivian had planned. During the split second he caught their attention, she charged forward recklessly. Diving underneath the queen\'s sword like legs, Vivian thrust her sword upward.

Never having suspected Vivian of taking such a reckless action, the queen failed to react in time. It screeched in pain and fear as the flames from Vivian\'s blade ate it from the inside.

It tried its best to strike at Vivian. However, the pain of having its insides fried prevented it from thinking rationally and simply squishing the human beneath it. Instead, it tried to lift itself even higher, allowing Vivian room to mauver, and the reaver\'s own body blocking its own view. The pain its only guide to its target.

Theas quickly moved to stop the others reavers from giving their support to their queen. Sending the nearest flying with his halbert and erecting pillars of stone to stop them from reaching Vivian unobstructed.

The fight did not last long. He only kept the others at bay for a handful of seconds. The death throes of the queen echoing through the cavern not much later. And with it, the screeching from the connecting tunnels turned furious.

"We have to go. Now!" Theas grabbed the blood and guts covered Vivian and pulled her back towards the passage.

Vivian offered no resistance. Only being absentminded for a few seconds before she charged ahead again. Cleaving a path for Theas to follow. Grumbling as he did that she was mad. That he should have never brought her here.

The soldiers welcomed their return with cheers while scrambling to ready their defenses for a terrible battle to come.

"You have to stop doing this!" Theas grumbled as soon as they were safely behind allied lines. Heaving to catch his breath as he did. Shockingly, Vivian appeared as fresh as when she had charged ahead.

"It worked, didn\'t it?" Vivian countered.

"Do you wish to die?" Theas countered back.

"Not at all. I knew we could manage just fine."

Theas had no counter to that. For indeed, things had gone near perfect. He was still struggling to make sense of it all. Ever since bringing her here, she had changed so much. Theas couldn\'t fathom why.

It was as if all her restrains had been lifted. Yet, her results could not be argued against. And sadly, now was not the time to reprimand her. The fight had only just started.

"I\'ll deal with you later. Don\'t! Don\'t go running out again."

"Of course not. I have no death wish. Once the other queens arrive, things will become far more dangerous. I\'m not yet at the point where I can freely fight them."

Theas might have gotten Vivian to agree, but he didn\'t feel like she really listened to him. It was more that her madness was contained to certainties. How she could be certain of anything in such chaotic battles, Theas did not know.

"Oh, there about to arrive." Vivian smiled, stepping forward and sending a wave of flames towards the first arrivals. Their death screeches echoed across the battlefield as Vivian rushed back into the fray.

True to her word, she did not rush out of the defensive line. She simply moved within it. From one area struggling to maintain the line to another.

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