A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 495 - A Personal Loan

Chapter 495 - A Personal Loan

"Is-is it okay if we don\'t repair?" Eldrian asked, not wishing to cough up half of his gold stockpile to fix the damage. He might not have any other plans for that 300 gold, but spending it on a mansion he literally got a few days ago certainly wasn\'t it.

At this point, it was just Pelaros and Eldrian. Ceph had gone to play with some of the friends he had made, which included the maids who were still at the previous house. Thinking of them Eldrian thanks the gods, be they AI or anything else, that he hadn\'t brought the maid to the mansion.

Vivian on the other hand had decided to go and enjoy some of the more popular entertainment sights of the city. Not wishing to spend her vacation on damage assessment and repairs. She would just get a summary from Eldrian later during the day.

"You-you don\'t want to fix them?" Pelaros asked, astounded that Eldrian would even ask.

"Yeah, you should understand my position. I don\'t have any businesses or the like, my only income is from quests. And that isn\'t exactly a stable income, so I believe I should keep a stockpile."

Not having thought of this, Pelaros nodded as Eldrian highlighted this point. "We can\'t have our hero\'s mansion be damaged, that would have the opposite effect of what we are hoping for."

"I will send someone to do the repairs and replace the crystals, we will consider it a loan. Repayable when you have a more stable income."

"Thanks," Eldrian smiled and decided to strike while the iron was hot. "Do you think it might be possible to make some sort of experimentation room for me?"

Pelaros smirked hearing this, "I had wondered when you were going to ask. Such a room will cost around 500 gold, do you want to spend your money on that?"

While Eldrian did want a secure room, 500 gold was just too much right now. "Can\'t it be done on loan?"

Laughing, Pelaros denied Eldrian\'s request. However, he did have a counter. "You are part of the mage\'s association, they have experimental rooms for their members."

"I will send a message to Highmage Sofiera. Myropsis should also vouch for you, so you should be able to get a room meant for Greatmages, Sofiera might even share her personal room with you."

Eldrian nodded and thanked Pelaros, and as the centaur was about to leave Eldrian sprung one more request on him.

"I remember someone mentioned a detection spell using wind and earth." Hearing this sentence, Pelaros already knew what was coming, still, he waited for Eldrian to ask it formally.

"Would it be possible for me to receive the spell module?"

Turning around to look at the elf, Pelaros thought on it for a moment. "I can only give you the basic module. I guess you are aware of the restrictions we have on this spell."

"People below Tier 5 can only access the basic module, and only those who have either sworn an oath of secrecy or are trusted can receive the advanced module."

Pelaros naturally didn\'t even mention the modules that were kept between the noble houses at count rank and above, nor the module restricted to the royals and their personal guards.

"That\'s great, I have been trying to figure out how you use a spell for detection. But all my experiences with spells are focused on more active manipulation of mana and the elements."

\'He is going to try and decipher it, isn\'t he...\' Pelaros could already see Eldrian either managing to come to the advanced spell himself, or possibly an entirely new spell.

"Alright, I will let Highmage Sofiera also know that I wish to share the spell with you. However, if you manage to make any modifications to it, please do share your insights with me. I am also a Highmage."

"In fact," Pausing mid-step, Pelaros turned back to Eldrian again, "If you wish to discuss some topics on magic, please feel free to visit me anytime."

Nodding and saying that he would, Eldrian turned back and found Darren already having recovered the answers from those who wish to follow Eldrian.

"How is everything?" Eldrian asked as he watched the centaur sorting the papers into packets according to the Tier of those who they were from.

"Quite amazing, news of the experiment\'s accident has already spread and far more people are now interested in becoming your retainer or even follower."


"They don\'t even request a salary, just that you house and feed them. I already have twenty applications of people who stated that should they fail to become a retainer they want to then become your follower."

"I see... For now, decline any new applications. I never thought there would be so much interest, it is going to take me hours to work through all the answers."

"Indeed, oh right, you asked that I compile a test to see who might be able to lead. Might this be what you were looking for?"

Taking the offered page, Eldrian had to admit that Darren was worth the price. His fee was 25 gold flat, no bargaining or even mentioning price or he would walk out.

Not having had any idea how to do anything related to being a noble, and having heard that he was the best, Eldrian had forked up the gold. He did not regret it.

The test was far better than Eldrian felt he would be able to make himself. There was a type of psychological questionnaire, with \'if\' questions. Half of them had a simple choice between two equally bad or equally good outcomes. The other half was discussion-based.

Then there was simple accounting questions, simple tactic, strategy, even household management questions which Eldrian couldn\'t answer if he tried.

"It looks perfect, can you maybe also give this test to those who applied to be servants?"

"Of course, but why? They applied for the servant position because they don\'t wish for the danger of being a retainer, or because that is all that they know."

"Right, I more meant the first part of the test."

"Oh, in that case, consider it done."

"Thank you, now, let me take a look at the replies we got."


Six hours passed quickly and the sun had gone down an hour or two ago. Throwing the last page to the right, Eldrian having long since stopped caring about keeping things neat had decided to make the left side of his room the reject pile and the right his accept pile. On the table before him, there were six pages considered the exceptionals.

Many had interesting takes on how he had performed his trick, few considered that he had actually managed to morph the actual spell itself. Of those few, even fewer managed to touch on something relating to mana control.

Most of those who touched on it were lower Tiered and from lower-ranked families. They didn\'t have the finances to go to school from a young and also join the associations to get hands-on experience and training.

They struggled through, and they managed to be more open-minded.

"Your tea," Maia said while knocking on the door, waiting for Eldrian to wave for her to enter.

"You didn\'t need to come here, I don\'t need a personal maid twenty-four-seven," Eldrian said while enjoying the tea as Maia started organizing the piles.

AN: A big thanks to everyone who continually supports this novel on WN.

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