A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 476 - Across The Kingdom In Mere Hours

Chapter 476 - Across The Kingdom In Mere Hours

"He really is going ahead and teaching anyone who asked." Joren said with a sigh, unable to understand just why despite this no one has managed to do what Eldrian has.

"At least we can be assured in regard to magic, he isn\'t hiding anything from us." Constantin commented, taking note of what Eldrian had said, but more importantly what Solvi had added.

\'I need to keep focusing on casting the basics. Her analysis was right, not amount of casting spells incorrectly will help me on this path. I have to start over, or find a way to bridge the system\'s casting and my one.\'

"At least the other players are starting to show some inclination to magic. Funnily enough, it is far quicker than our original projections. Which I guess is also thanks to him." Joren chuckled as he recalled the original plan for finding others to help them uncover the secrets of magic.

Those plans had 10 years as the basic timeline, yet, now thanks to Eldrian, the higher-ups were pressuring them to get results by the end of the first year.

"I don\'t get why they are so agitated. We are accomplishing great things each day, I mean, just our hologram movies are going to be a massive win. Why are they still pushing so much on magic."

"Why wouldn\'t they?\' Joren countered, "Magic is magic. The thought of being able to truly use it, it must be intoxicating. I can understand why Eldrian can\'t seem to separate from the game."


"Right, do you still want the focus to be on its physical abilities? Or would you want it to have a few strong spells at the ready?"

"I still prefer a solid weapon over a glorified staff. I trust my magic to not let me down, so I want the weapon to be there when I need it."

"Alright, then let\'s talk metal..."

Nodding, Eldrian listened as she shared the Rank 3 metals she had on hand. After a bit of contemplation, Eldrian decided on Adamantine. A dark purple metal that was said to be extremely tough and a great conductor for mana.

The cost of the Adamantine for the two blades was, too much. Enough for both blades would cost 2000 gold on its own.

"Then, how about we make the back blade out of Adamantine and the front one from Mithril."

"That would bring down the cost to around 600 gold, and the Mithril for the front blade will be around the same. So that is acceptable." Nodding Solvi then asked what types of abilities he wanted for the blade.

The two continued to talk for another few hours, the sun even started setting during their talks.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Solvi asked, a little confused as she looked at the finished plan.

It was one of the craziest orders she had ever received. Of course, in order for Eldrian to say what he wanted, she had needed to explain what was possible. Not just what was possible, but also what she was confident she could accomplish.

As such, Eldrian had managed to learn a bit about runesmithing and inscribing. Not much, but he realized that much like spells, these had forms that when correctly carved/inscribed would give the weapon its abilities.

Unlike a spells, or maybe similar to Tier 5 spells and above, their form was not rigid. It was similar to how each material could support only certain types of abilities. Each rune and inscription could slightly be altered through the smith\'s knowledge to gain a more specific result.

The large amount that could be added also meant that it was far more diverse than any spell could ever be. Allowing for things that was seemingly impossible through other means.

"I am sure, this would be great if it comes out as planned." Eldrian replied with a smile.

"That shouldn\'t be a problem, but... Isn\'t this a little too plain? There is only one offensive ability."

"That is more than enough, as I said before, I am confident in my magic." Eldrian replied with a smile as he left. He needed to return tomorrow at sunrise if he wanted to observe per their agreement.

She had made it clear that she wasn\'t going to explain to him what she was doing or why, but he was welcome to watch and try and figure it out himself.


"Hey Ceph, Vivian." Eldrian smiled as he found the home furnished and the smell of food spreading through the house.

"I thought you would come back much before sunset." Vivian replied as she explained that she and Ceph had simply had a relaxing day.

"Pelaros is quite the schemer," Eldrian joked as he shared what had happened.

"So, are you planning to become her apprentice then?"

"I think it was just the heat of the moment speaking back then. However, I might, but... I don\'t know how my oath with Boran will-"

"Right, there is that. If you could see him you should be able to cancel it quite easily, especially since he never taught you anything relating to magic or his forging secrets."

"True, but it isn\'t that easy to go and see him. Now is it?" Eldrian replied, and Ceph asked why not.

"That... It is far far away."

"So? I am fast! Besides, you wanted to go to my home. So, we can just go to yours too!"

Eldrian smiled while shaking his head, "It is really far away, back then it had taken us weeks to travel from Phallos to Taurus."

"But... That was on your slow feet! Mine are fast, and my wings are faster!"

"Alright, we can try. As long as we can make it there I can teleport back and you can follow."

Nodding, Ceph seemed happy with the negotiation. Vivian instead was a little star-struck at how the two just talked about visiting another kingdom as if it was like going to visit your neighbor.

Forcing it down, she decided to move past it while they ate. The food was from one of the more popular inns, the two had been keeping it warm while waiting for Eldrian to return.


Flying out from the middle of the city of Valan, the two caused the guards some concern but only until they realized that the two were heading away from the city.

It had taken a few minutes for Ceph to figure out how to accept the call from Eldrian to teleport to Valan.

"Right, let\'s go as fast as we can!" Eldrian shouted, and Ceph nodded. Flapped his wings, and lowered his head. The surroundings blurred past as they sailed through the air.

Just three hours later they arrived at the forest. Zamia and Agamemas welcomed them in the air.

"What brings you two back here?" Zamia asked while giving her boy a hug after landing in the glade.

"I hoped to come to ask for a shaft," Eldrian said, slightly embarrassed but pushing through it to explain his request.

"I see, come with me." Agamemas said, leading Eldrian into the forest. "What type of wood are you looking for?"

AN: A big thanks to everyone who continues to support this novel on WN.

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