A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 133: Chase (4)

Chapter 133: Chase (4)

Andreas was forced to dodge without the use of tricks, the feather inside him blocking his shadow teleportation and the previous light spikes having turned his flame concrete. If he were to use it now the water bullets would simply end his life.

Andreas cursed when he saw that Agamemas simply wanted to end his life. Unlike himself who would like to toy with his prey, he scrambled to not get killed. Hoping that something would stop Agamemas.

Something did.

Just as a new feather was about to strike his heart a large flame of darkness sprung up in its path. Stopping the feather in its path.

Coming out of this flame was a petite woman. If not for her scaly red skin, she might have been deemed extremely pretty.

She was around 1,6 meters tall, had long black hair and two small horns on her forehead. Currently, she was wearing a simple armor set of silver, which fit tightly against her exquisite physique. The armor gave a strange contrast between her skin and itself, making her stand out quite a bit.

"Oh son, why are you here?" This woman asked, sending black flames at Agamemas, who was forced to actually dodge.

Andreas wanted to answer, but could not as Agamemas sent many enhanced feathers at them. The entire area filling with them, all shining brightly. It gave the image of stars filling their entire sight.

"I did not think you would come, Kilen." Agamemas spoke as his attack was blocked by a barrier of red light. None of his feathers making it through. He had wondered if she would come, having known that this devil must be related to her.

"Of course I would come, dear Agamemas. How can I let my youngest die here? He did not do anything wrong."

Agamemas fury exploded as he heard her, "Nothing wrong! He killed my kin!" Agamemas charged at Kilen, shapeshifting into an elf as he did. This took but a split second, his wings shrinking to form angel-like wings on his back. The long feathers of his wings splitting in the transformation and forming a graceful robe over his toned body as his horn turned into a crown that settled around his silver hair.

His normal form stopped him from using his full strength, unlike other Mythical creatures who gain more power by being in their normal form. Alicorn\'s form was very limited, forcing them to mostly rely on magic when in it.

Agamemas pulled out two daggers as soon as he finished transforming, striking against the red barrier Agamemas the first caused it to crack and the second broke the barrier into pieces.

"While I would love to talk more, my son is injured," Kilen said, pulling her son into an embrace as Agamemas was still charging them. She then turned into a black and red flame, teleporting away before Agamemas\'s next attack could land.

"No you don\'t!" Agamemas shouted as he followed, outside of the forest he could finally use all his might. In the previous clash, both parties had limited themselves.

Kilen to protect her son\'s life, who would simply die if he was to experience the shockwaves their fight would cause. Agamemas for the same reason, but his entire kin being in danger. Most should be safe inside the glade, but he did not want to risk some losing their lives due to not having reached safety.

Agamemas appeared only a second behind the dark flame, directly charging at Kiren who had to put a great deal of her power into protecting her son.

"Why don\'t you just let us go, you know you can\'t kill me," Kilen said, smiling seductively at Agamemas, whose Elven form was certainly extremely handsome.

"I don\'t care about you. I will kill your son!" Agamemas shouted as he charged back into the fight, his attacks being gracefully blocked by Kilen\'s longsword.

\'Son, you need to run when I say so. I will try and give you enough time.\' Kilen sent telepathically to Andreas as she received a new wound. Impressed by how much stronger Agamemas had become.

For a while, they simply clashed through their weapons which were imbued with magic. Each hit causing the sky to light up due to the severe power in these hits.

Kilen had some of her concentration on keeping her son safe inside a barrier, this resulted in her receiving far more wounds than she needed. Finally, she found the right opportunity.

"Now!" Kilen shouted as she dived under Agamemas\'s spinning attack, moving in she tried to pry her sword into his back. But his wings quickly expanded and almost knocked her blade from her hands.

But her aim had been reached, she used the time right after her son had teleported to lock the surrounding space for a few seconds. This together with her trying to kill Agamemas forced him to focus on her rather.

"You will take his place then!" Agamemas shouted as he fully expanded his wings, making use of his feathers mentally and his daggers in close range. He quickly started whitling Kilen down.

Just a little more and Andreas should be far enough. She thought as she used her body to forcefully stop Agamemas from chasing. He would often try to simply get her off him, needing just a second to teleport and end the devil\'s life.

Kilen knew this full well and made sure to not give Agamemas the time he needed.


Even with them having teleported far away, the clashes from their fight could be heard. Accompanied by the entire sky lighting up due to their battle.

Eldrian looked at these flashed in fascinations, Zamia having brought him back to reality after her short explanation. She had promised to continue their talk once things settled down.

"What happened?" Eldrian asked, forgetting to use telepathy to ask this. Zamia had no problem understanding him, having learned many languages through her time.

\'The devil escaped. A very powerful one appeared and took him away. Agamemas is giving chase.\' She answered, looking into the sky she wondered what was going to happen next. Those with Agamemas were not even strong enough to join this fight, doing so would only force Agamemas to care for them too.

This entire episode had proven that their heaven was far from as safe as they had thought.

While they would certainly be able to defend the place itself, the same could not be said for those living here. They would lose most of their family, the very reason they had wished to stay out of the fighting.

Eldrian quietly looked at the flashes of light, fascinated by the variety in colors. Every color he could think of would be represented, even black. This along with many other darker colors would, instead of lighting up the world, turn it into dusk or night. As if an eclipse had arrived.

\'It is rare that someone so strong leaves their home and enters anothers. Must have been their child.\' Zamia said after some more time had passed, by now the flashes of light from them clashing no longer being visible.

"Why are you not going to help?" Eldrian asked.

\'One of us must always stay here. But you can forget about that for now, knowing would not help you. Let\'s focus on teaching you how to actually use magic.\' Zamia asked, \'What type of spells do you know?\'

\'Not many,\' Eldrian replied through telepathy, telling her of those he knew.

\'You really do not know much.\'

\'Hey! I have only been here for slightly over a month!\' Eldrian countered, feeling like his efforts were being belittled.

\'And while it is impressive how much you have learned. It is useless unless you can become much stronger. Here focus on how I cast my spells. It might not be the correct way for you, but it will allow you to learn that magic is more diverse than you think.\'

Zamia shared with Eldrian her entire procedure of casting spells. Something which he greatly wished Dave could have done.

Unlike with the magic he had learned before, Zamia did not focus her spell through a spell module. Nor through words, rather she imagined what she wanted to spell to do. Thereafter manually guiding the mana to do it as she wished.

\'This is the way most magical creatures use magic. We do not think of magic as some academic knowledge, rather it is part of us. We do not need to analyze and make formulas since we can feel what will happen.\'

\'This way is similar to how High Elves use magic, but they generally combine both approaches. This is naturally something which is far too difficult for you. You must first learn to truly control your mana, allowing it to flow through you and becoming part of you.\'

\'I believe your plan was to attempt this through learning spells. While I will admit this will help, it will also stop you from truly mastering magic. I am sure you will come to the same conclusion with time.\'

Eldrian immediately thought of how he struggled in controlling Frost Needle. \'Do you mean this?\' Eldrian asked, sharing both his experience and how he had tried to fix this.

Really impressive, if all Chosen are this smart then they might actually be able to help us.She thought as Eldrian showed her how he tried to fix the spell module to allow him to control the spell better.

\'Why don\'t you try totally skipping the spell module. Try it with one of those you are more comfortable with.\' Zamia instructed, helping Eldrian fine-tune his learning.

\'Before that.\' Eldrian stopped her and more himself, certain that he would get lost in training if he did not. \'Cephaphyr said that you found someone close to death. Can you bring me to this person, I want to know if it is Vivian or not.\'

\'Certainly.\' Zamia replied, not bothered at all by this. She knew that this was the entire reason everything today had happened. Unlike her husband, she did not wish to place the blame on Eldrian. Rather she felt he was just an unlucky participant.

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