A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 128: Cephaphyr and a devil

Chapter 128: Cephaphyr and a devil

"Will you just leave me alone!" Andreas shouted as another blade of wind passed right next to him. Followed by an exploding ball of light which he dodged by the use of a few skills.

In return to his question, he received a snort from the Unicorn who was chasing him.

At this point, Andreas was terribly irritated at having to run for so long. Looking around he made sure that no one was around. Once he did he turned around and looked at the Unicorn.

"Sucks to be you... Meeting one of the dumbest High Elves ever must have thrown you." Andreas said charging at the Unicorn once he was done speaking. As he charged black flames sprung up behind him, scorching everything they touched.

"Now you will know how it feels to be defenseless!" Andreas shouted as he attacked with one of his daggers. The black flames covering the entire blade.

The Unicorn jumped back in fear, shaking as it tried to turn and run.

"Hahahaha, oh no you don\'t. You\'re mine!" Andreas had a vicious grin on his face as he saw the fear in the Unicorn, relishing it.


"Sabrea, stay with me," Eldrian said as he gently lied her down next to the spring. The spring was very big, but it would make a really comfortable place to bathe. The entire spring was covered by a thick line of trees and only a small part of it was exposed sun.

The rest was all in the shade of the trees, leaves gently lying on its surface.

Looking at it Eldrian felt how dry his throat was, taking out a cup from his inventory he scooped up some water. The water was sweet and cold, very refreshing.

I need to get her to drink some.Eldrian thought, filling his cup again he tried to slowly feed the water to Sabrea who was still unconscious. Eldrian looked worryingly at her, while she seemed to have stabilized, she still looked extremely week.

\'What are you doing?\' Eldrian heard a curious voice, looking around he saw a small black animal. It resembled a Pegasus, but not completely.

"What are you?" Eldrian asked as he observed the animal. Like a Pegasus it was a horse with wings, but it also had a horn on its head and instead of having a pure white coat its was pitch black. Its wings seemed to be made out of feathers, the lower, longer, feathers were emerald color. This was the only color on the small creature which was not black.

\'Did you say something? I don\'t understand...\' Eldrian was confused when hearing this voice again. Is this telepathy? Eldrian wondered.

\'Do you not know how to talk?\' The voice asked again, not knowing how to reply Eldrian simply nodded.

\'Oh, that\'s weird. Um... Try and think really hard of something!\' The little black horse-like creature said.

Eldrian had no idea just what the creature was getting at, but he decided to try. He thought as hard as he could, \'Can you help?\'

After a minute and still getting no reply, Eldrian shook his head and looked at the little horse. "Help..."

\'I can\'t hear you, and when you make those sounds I don\'t understand.\' The horse walked a little closer, \'Would you mind if I try and read your thoughts?\'

Eldrian had no idea what this would actually lead to but looking at Sabrea who was almost not breathing, he decided to go with it. Nodding, he tried to focus his thoughts on Sabrea and helping her.

A few seconds passed, the voice asking, \'Your friend is hurt?\' Eldrian nodded as soon as he heard this. The horse moved even closer, now being only a few meters from them. \'What happened?\'

Eldrian thought back to when the Unicorn had rammed into Sabrea, hoping that this little guy would be able to help her. He had no idea what else he could do, this was the only thing he felt might help.

\'There is no way Elgar did this!\' The small little horse jumped back and stared at them in confusion, \'No, Elgar is always so nice.\'

Eldrian had no idea why the horse was so shocked, he himself was shocked that he was talking to an animal. But he ignored this, instead, he pointed to the little horse and then to Sabrea, trying to convey that they needed to help her first.

The horse seemed to understand, it slowly moved forward again. Finally, it stood next to Sabrea, shaking its head. Eldrian felt terrible when he saw this, but much better once the horse spoke to him again.

\'You suck at healing...\'

Eldrian sighed in relief, believing that this meant the horse would be able to help. He did not care that he was just insulted, he was simply happy that she would hopefully not die.

Time passed, during which Eldrian looked from one to the other. Seeing Sabrea\'s skin recovering its vitality he was greatly relieved. Eldrian fell back onto his back and stared at the roof of the forest. Lost in thought.

He was brought out of this a moment when a voice popped up in his head again.

\'She should be fine now, but what the hell happened. There is no way Elgar would attack you without reason. And it definitely was a Unicorn who attacked her.\'

Eldrian shrugged, not knowing how to answer the little guy\'s question.

\'Who are you?\' The voice asked,Eldrian threw his arms into the air, trying to indicate he did not know to talk.

\'You don\'t know?\' Confusion filled the little guy\'s voice. Eldrian shook his head to deny this.

\'You can\'t tell me?\' Eldrian tried to convey that he did not know how to. He did not have much experience in doing this, especially being the one who could not talk. But thinking of how he communicated with Sesha, Eldrian tried that way.

Slowly bringing the thing he was trying to say to light.

This went on for some time, after around an hour they finally managed to actually talk with more ease.

\'Like this?\' Eldrian asked, unsure if he was doing it right. It had taken him some time to get used to their way of communicating. Luckily it was considered easy when he did not need to create the connection, he simply needed to jump onto it.

This way of communicating required Eldrian to focus, much like he did when casting a spell. But now instead of thinking of a spell module, he was thinking of what he wanted to say.

\'Yes! I can hear you!\' The little guy jumped up and down in excitement. After calming down it asked, \'Shall we introduce ourselves?\'

\'Yes. I am Haru, a High Elf and we came here searching for a lost friend. But...\'

\'Then Elgar attacked, I still can\'t believe that.\' The little guy added quickly, \'Oh sorry, I am Cephaphyr and I am an Alicorn!\'

\'Nice to meet you Cephaphyr. Do you think you can help me save my friends who I came here with?\' Eldrian asked, suppressing his curiosity for now. He felt it was far more urgent to find everyone. Especially when they might be killed or wounded next, Eldrian felt this was far more important than finding out what an Alicorn was.

\'But... If Elgar did attack you, then he must have a really good reason.\' Cephaphyr mind mumbled, Eldrian feeling the doubt in his mental voice.

\'You managed to read my thought earlier, right?\' Eldrian asked, receiving a nod in reply. \'Do that again, I will backtrack to the start of the fight. I think this is all a big misunderstanding.\'

Saying this had taken quite some effort for Eldrian. This way of talking was certainly far more taxing, requiring him to fully think of what he was going to say. No going with the flow, he had to have his entire sentence planned.

\'Yes, I don\'t think you are a bad guy. So it must be a misunderstanding!\' Cephaphyr said with excitement.

Eldrian then thought back to the start of the fight, also trying to visualize this as he did spell modules. This time he tried bringing up the start of everything when the Unicorn, Elgar, had appeared.


Maniacal laughter was heard throughout a part of the forest.

"It came from here, please tell me our Elgar is alright." A female voice echoed through the air.

"Don\'t worry hun, he is strong. He is one of the strongest in his age group. Certainly, he is alright!" Replied a deep male voice.

These voices belonged to Elgar\'s parents, who had just received a strong feeling that something bad had happened. Once they felt this they both rushed out to where Elgar was stationed for the day.

Not long after this conversation, these two made it to where Andreas and Elgar had had their last fight.

"Nooo!" The mom\'s voice echoed through the forest, the very air shaking.

The father stood quietly over his dead son\'s body. Elgar was lying on his side, his ribs completely ripped open. Through the blood, his father could see that his son\'s heart had been stolen.

"Devil!" Shouted the father, his shout causing all the nearby trees to lose their leaves. As soon as he finished this shouted he rushed after the faint smell of blood he was sensing. Shouting towards his wife, \'Inform the council!\'

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