A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 97: Progress.

Chapter 97: Progress.

Back at the academy\'s office, Eldrian found the Arvem reading the old book he was reading before. Not wanting to not get an answer again Eldrian said right off the bat, "We never got to the book."

Looking up Arvem replied, "Because there are too many things to talk about."

"But, can you tell me about it now?"

"Certainly, this is a book written by someone who tried to understand demons and how their magic worked. It is an interesting thought, it is known that humans can use demon spells. But for some reason, the spells give differing results."

"I think it is due to them working with more abstract energies than just mana. The author of this book also thought so, but unlike me, he did more research. Even going so far as capturing a few demons."

"Well, his end was not that nice. Which is why the book is only half written."

Deciding that that was all he wanted to talk about the book, Arvem placed it back onto the counter and changed the subject. "What spells did you decide on?"

Caught off guard by the sudden change of subject, Eldrian gathered his thoughts before answering, "A simple healing spell focused on cut wounds, then a strength enhancer and an ice needle spell. I also took Anthizo, I feel it will be the best one for me to train with."

"Not bad choices. I suspect you chose the enhancement for specific reasons. There are so many to pick, why strength?"

"I thought it might be nice to use while forging things."

"Sure, but skills will be better for self-cast, less cost and focus required."

"I know, but I still don\'t know much of magic. So I just picked it, for now, more as practice,"

"Money not a problem?" Arvem asked with curiosity. He knew that Eldrian was a Chosen, which made him wonder how he could have so much money. Most Chosen were struggling to save money, often needing to spend their bounties on armor and weapon maintenance. Or upgrades when they had managed to save some.

Few saved for spells, as most had learned that skills and spells were weak at the start. A better weapon would often be the better choice when choosing where to spend 10 or 20 silver. They could also often simply become someone\'s apprentice and gain the skills or spells for free with the comitment.

Most naturally not knowing the importance of apprenticeship in this world.

"Well, I am not rich. But thanks to working for Boran, I am able to make a decent amount."

Arvem simply nodded to this, after which he picked up his book again. "I would suggest you wait before spending more money on spells or skills. Your first choices were good, but your next ones might not be."

"Go gain some experience, then come back." Waving his hand as if to shoo Eldrian, Arvem turned his attention back onto his book.

Eldrian did not want to bother him more, but he did feel that Arvem was being discourteous. Still, he appreciated that the Grandmage had explained taken the time to humor his curiosity.

Eldrian also felt that the advice he just got was correct. He needed to learn these spells and see how the game system classifies them. Especially the damage output and healing values.

Having finished his most urgent task Eldrian headed to Boran\'s where he went to do his daily task. Making sure to try and form one extra great quality ingot. Near the end of the day he went to Boran\'s room, making sure with one of the shopkeepers that he was not busy with a large task.

Entering the room Eldrian saw Boran still working on the same sword. Working on it might be too much, as he was simply running his hand over it and appreciating its look.

"Haru, what are you here for?" Boran asked, believing that Eldrian should be extremely busy for the next few days.

"I heard from Diane that this sword was meant for Vivian."

"Oh?" Boran stopped his injured hand, which had been feeling the weapon. "And?"

"Well, I am planning to join the mission when I reach Tier 1."

"So you want to take the sword to her?"

"Yes, I think it will be the most secure way of doing it."


"Well, if I place it in my inventory then I can\'t lose it. Even if I die on my way to joining the mission."

Raising his eyebrows Boran looked at Eldrian in interest. "Really? That is a good point then. Alright, but I will only be giving the sword to you when you go out to join the mission?"

"Alright." Eldrian nodded and prepared to leave. But Boran spoke again before he did.

"Why do you want to join the mission?"

"I think I can be of help," Eldrian replied seriously.

"Help, really? If you believe you can then I won\'t stop you. But know that this is only because you won\'t die, else I would be stopping you."

Eldrian did not like how Boran knocked down his high praise of himself, but he knew that it was the truth. One person, especially as weak as he was, would not be able to change much between millions of warriors. Still, he felt that he would be able to do some things which normal NPCs might not be able to.

"Will I be getting off on the daily tasks when I leave?"

"We did agree that you can go on adventures every so often. So I guess you will be given off during the mission."

Eldrian then asked Boran some blacksmithing advice, specifically on how much he should form the blade. Where he should stop and grind it down the rest of the way and how thin a blade could be at the thinnest.

Eldrian spent his weekend busily training, making great progress with feeling the mana inside of him. Slowly he managed to feel it even when he was not using magic, causing him to also feel the magic fatigue.

The feeling was not nice, similar to when someone came down from a high, leaving their senses weakened and their body tired. Due to this Eldrian shifted his magic training to the last thing to do during the day.

With more training Eldrian grew more used to the feeling of mana inside of him, feeling the effect of magic fatigue lesser with this too. Still, he made sure to try and not go over four, going over level four often left him unable to focus.

Eldrian also checked on the forum often, following the players on their mission.The players finally reached the meetup point for the army at the end of Monday, gaming time -thus the Thursday morning.

According to these players they have been getting small quests like hunting or foraging to keep them busy. While they wished that everything would move quicker, they found the rewards for these simple tasks more than satisfactory.

The monetary reward amounted to almost two days of hunting they did before. While the XP was around the same.

Eldrian also managed to finally control mana on this day.

Instead of casting Anthos, which was hard to see the effect of control, Eldrian had been casting Nidia. Nidia was a simple water creation spell, and while having no real use other than creating water, it was a good one to practice with.

Floga created the problem of causing a fire if he messed up. Even if he was inside of a stone room and nothing could caths fire, his clothes were still vulnerable. Nidia would simply make things wet if he messed up, a far lesser thing to worry about. Allowing Eldrian to go more outside of his comfort zone.

Like before Eldrian focused, not even needing to really think of the spell module anymore. Finding the right moment he cast Nidia, causing droplets of water to condense on his hand.

After a few seconds a puddle of water was lying in his palm. Focusing on the moist feeling mana which Eldrian connected to water magic. Eldrian willed it to move from his hand. Slowly the water did, dripping off his palm and gathering below his hand.

After keeping it floating for a few seconds Eldrian lost control and caused the water to fall on the stone floor of the room.

Smiling widely Eldrian rested a bit, preparing to try again.

Just a little more. If I don\'t make it by Friday, then I am going to have to travel to Taurus on my own.

Eldrian really did not want this to happen. He had heard that the players who had joined the mission had run into monsters a few times. Luckily the number of monsters was few and soldiers were nearby. This allowed the players to retreat successfully even if they were outnumbered. They just had to ensure they made enough noise. At worst, they would be resurrected by the soldiers.

Eldrian did not want to travel alone since he would die and respawn in the nearest city or town. Which would cost him a lot of time and XP. While he would be fine meeting one or maybe even two monsters, he did not think he would win against five or more. Which was the normal amount the monsters were grouping as.

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