A New World, an immersive game experience

Chapter 69: Flying Spirits

Chapter 69: Flying Spirits

Waking up inside his room Eldrian stood up and stretched a bit. While stretching\'s he felt quite itchy, looking down he saw that he was still covered in blood and in a ripped shirt.

\'Did I really go around everywhere in such a state?\' He asked himself, finding it ironic that he had told Dave to dress better when he was in such a sorry state.

Having no idea where to clean himself up, Eldrian started climbing the stairs planning to ask Dave where he could take a bath and get new clothes.

A few minutes later he finally reached the top of the tower, again lamenting about the number of stairs. Knocking on the small room\'s door he waited for Dave to open the door. After a few minutes of waiting he concluded that Dave was likely no here yet, feeling this was likely since it was still before 5 AM in the game.

Heading down to the floor just below, Eldrian contemplated if he should knock on Dave\'s door or wait for him to come out. Luckily he didn\'t have to decide as Dave came out of his room a few minutes later.

"Oh, you are already here. So eager to try again?" Dave joked.

"Not really, I actually first want to clean up."

"That makes sense." Dave said, looking Eldrian up and down. Shaking his head when he concentrated on how bad a state Eldrian\'s clothes were in.

"Every floor actually has a bath, why haven\'t you used them?" Dave asked, making Eldrian feel quite embarrassed. The game had a nice feature, where you could enjoy both food and drink without needing to use the bathroom. Hence he had never before looked for one.

Thinking back he became even more embarrassed since he hadn\'t cleaned his in-game character for over a week.

\'I must smell really bad.\' Eldrian thought. Luckily for him not many people cleaned themselves every day, it being more a luxury for them. Unless they were of a higher class.

Seeing Eldrian\'s embarrassment Dave realized he had truly never even looked for the bathroom. Sighing he said, "You can clean up here, I will also give you a spare robe of mine. You will have to get some clothes later though."

"Thanks, and I am planning too. I just forgot."

Laughing Dave headed into his room, soon coming back out with a robe. "Here you go, the first rooms on both sides are the bathrooms. Though you can\'t summon water can you?"

Sighing Dave led Eldrian into one of the bathrooms, filling the tub via a spell before also heating it up a bit.

"I\'ll give you some privacy now. I\'ll be in the research room, come find me when you are done." Dave left after saying this, leaving Eldrian alone in the bathroom, wondering how advanced those spells were. He didn\'t think that just anyone could fill an entire tub and heat it.

Leaving this for later, when he could actually use magic he started looking around. Seeing that there weren\'t any towels in the bathroom, cursing he decided to just air dry after. \'They probably use wind magic or something to dry.\' Eldrian thought, being partially correct and wrong. As only the strong would use magic, most others would rather use a towel.

Climbing into the bath Eldrian quickly found himself dreaming, the water at the perfect temperature.

A while later, the water now almost cold, Eldrian finally left the bath feeling refreshed and ready for the day. After waiting for a while, to let most of the water drip off, he climbed into his old pants. Wearing the robe over them. He didn\'t want to go without anything other than the robe covering him.

The robe was dark blue, the arms a bit too long for Eldrian. But other than that it fit him nicely. Getting used to the feeling of a robe Eldrian headed back to the tower\'s roof. Believing that the research room Dave had mentioned was likely that small room.

Knocking on the door Dave soon came out and they both headed to the dungeon room. They talked a bit on the way down.

"The robe fits you surprisingly well."

"Thanks, the arms are a bit too long though. But I will go get some other clothes later today."

"No rush, you can keep the robe. It is one of my old ones and I rarely wear any of my old ones."

"Why?" Eldrian asked, feeling that the robe was still in good condition.

"My new ones are all enchanted, so the old ones can\'t really keep up."

"Ah, that makes sense."

At the bottom Eldrian again stood in the circle Dave indicated and found himself in the dungeon. Avoiding looking at the Crystal, he waited until Dave told him he could look up. Then he sat down against one of the walls. Not wanting to fall over again.

Just before casting the spell he first looked at his stats. Finding that his HP was now 86, his stamina 94 and mana 86.

\'Almost recovered,\' Eldrian smiled, seeing that the Total Fatigue debuff was now only at level 2.

Next, he created the mental image of the Anthos spell again. After confirming the spell model he said the word of power, waiting for the tug of war to start.

Soon it indeed started, Eldrian managing to again fight back, to a degree. He still lost in the end, but he had managed to hold onto more scraps of his spell model. The pain assaulting him having lessened while the soothing feeling increased.

\'So it does impact that!\' Eldrian thought to himself after the entire event. Glad that it was much more manageable than before. Yet his Mental Fatigue was at level 3, making him feel that he wouldn\'t be able to try again. Even though he felt fine now.

"Sorry Dave, but it seems like once is still my limit at this stage."

"No problem, it seemed like you made some progress."

Smiling Eldrian replied, "I did, I think I will get the hold of this in a few more days."

"That\'s great. Then we can start on your real training."

Shaking his head Eldrian felt exasperated. While he also felt like this wasn\'t training, he certainly didn\'t want to downplay it.

Back in the tower on the ground floor Eldrian said goodbye to Dave, heading out. First he looked for something to eat, his stomach growling at him. He had forgotten to get something after handing in the quest yesterday.

Finding a place that sold some skewered meat which smelled amazing Eldrian treated himself by buying three. The owner of the stall telling him that they were called sosaties. Eldrian really enjoyed them, having a rich taste which mixed really well with the meat.

Having almost wolved them down he headed back to the place and got himself one more. He also asked if the guy could recommend any clothing shops to him. Following the instructions while enjoying his last sosatie, Eldrian soon found himself in front of a small clothing shop.

The guy had told him that it was a small local family business and that they were really good. Bragging the stall owner had told him that they could even compete with a noble\'s shop. Eldrian didn\'t really care about that, what he cared about was that the family took custom orders.

"Welcome to Flying Spirits! How may I help you, good sir?" An energetically young girl greeted Eldrian as soon as he entered the store. Looking at her Eldrian felt his mood improve, the girl was clearly used to handling guests.

She was extremely cute, Eldrian felt the urge to dote on her but managed to keep his manners. Her green eyes sparkled as she waited for Eldrian to reply, forcing him to reply.

"Ah, I don\'t really know what I want." Eldrian replied, rubbing his head as a smile grew on his face.

"Then let me show you what we have!" She said, jumping in front of Eldrian and leading him through the small store.

While walking the girl would tell Eldrian about the design behind most of the clothes. Most of which simply flew over his head, he had never been someone to really pay attention to that stuff. Yet he did find a few key information from her.

Like the fact that all the clothes where for show, not to be bought. Thus if he like something he had to tell her, then later after they took his measurements, they would make the clothes. Which he could then come and get within a few days.

This wasn\'t really in Eldrian\'s plan as he had simply wanted to get some normal clothed he could wear while working and training. This place seemed to cater to a higher level of dressing, yet he couldn\'t find the strength to tell that to the girl.

Thus he followed her until she finished the tour. "Did anything catch your eye?" She asked with adorable puppy dog eyes.

"A few, but I would also like to order some custom clothing." Eldrian replied, not really liking the fashion of this world. He was planning to order some common shorts and shirts, maybe something nicer for if he went to a bar or inn.

"Great! I will go get my papa then!" The girl said, rushing to the back. Eldrian smiling from her cute act.

Scratching his head Eldrian thought about how he was going to spend way more than he expected on clothes now.

\'Ah, looking good can be a good thing. Right? Even in war times? I am sure it will be worth it...\' He tried to convince himself, failing. Yet his thoughts caused him to laugh softly, feeling that it wasn\'t too bad.

\'I should bring Jen here if she joins the game.\' Eldrian thought, believing she would love the little adorable girl.

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