The Ancients World

Chapter 94: The Collision IV

Chapter 94: The Collision IV

{Mark any spelling errors. Going to sleep and to tired to edit, hope you all enjoy this chapter. I liked writing it.}

My family and I are talking at Marty\'s diner longer than we originally planned. Its just nice to speak here and relax than to drive somewhere else. Mom and dad seem to be having fun catching up with their old friend. I want to get this show on the road soon, I still want to do other things today. I get up and walk to the bathroom to clean up, I wash my hands and clean up my clothes. I look into the mirror and thank my luck I have my young face instead of the old stressed one. Much of my old future turned me into a cynical loner. Well, cynic is the best comparison I can think of right now. Trusting others isn\'t something I do a lot, and I only do it when I have no other choice.

I exit the bathroom and begin to walk over back to my families table, but soon the noise they are making drowns out to a buzzing. I look around to find out where the noise is coming from, but I cant find it. I turn my head back to my family and I see them panicking, I look to where Marty was sitting as all I see is some ash. The buzzing stops and I hear my mother scream. "AAHHHHHHHH! WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO MARTY!!!" I rush over to inspect what is going on, but I hear the buzzing noise once again and the sound drowns out again. I look over to the person working the register and see the middle aged man turn to dust. I\'m thoroughly freaked out now.

I finally make it back to my family and I can see the panic on their faces. I can\'t hear anything they are saying because of the buzzing. Dad grabs Marcus and mom and I grab Hailey following his example. We rush outside and head for our car, but an empty car crashes into it before any of us can get close. Sound has returned to me. "MY GOD!!! WHATS HAPPENING DAD!!!" Hailey yells from behind me and I cant help feeling completely useless right now. I have no idea what\'s going on, people never turned to ash in my old future. The only idea I have is the connection to why J&X has gone dark on us. Soon the buzzing returns and its so bad we all fall to our hands and knees.

I lay on my back looking up into the sky, my head is ringing in pain. I look over and see my entire family is also stunned and unmoving like I am. I try to will my body to get up, but the best I can do is lift my head. I notice something that shouldn\'t be here, I see multiple flying creatures from Ancients World come from the sky out the clouded pollution. I watch in absolute amazement as the polluted clouds part and a giant hole in space rips open. I notice a little beam of light connecting to it and I follow it. I\'m no expert in directions, but I think that\'s where J&X headquarters is. I focus my eye\'s and see landscapes that look like Ancients World, I feel like I\'m truly losing my mind now.

I watch as the rip gets bigger and bigger, and I feel a slight pulling sensation grip my entire body. I start to float and head for the big rip in the sky, I turn my body the best I can and all I can see is my mom reaching a hand up and screaming. I watch the surrounding world get sucked in as well, I watch entire cities and neighborhoods get lifted while staying intact. The buzzing gets so bad I close my eyes as I begin to lose consciousness. While the collision is happening a huge expansion on Gaia is happening. These new lands are having entire cities land on them, along with everything you can think of in a modern society. As the massive cities holding millions land they are immediately covered in grass and overgrown vines. Even though the new cities have just arrived all of them look old and withered.

This new land then births massive cathedrals, and the lands that have always been on Gaia give birth to these cathedrals as well. Places like Blue Grass and Nelmorp have giant cathedrals rise from under the current buildings and tear way for their spots. Many of the people of Ancients World are in chaos, and people within view of the tear in space-time are on their knees praying. Soon the new land expands even more as the process continues, and this goes on for a very long time. After several hours of chaos the people of Ancients World begin to look to the church for answers. The one leading the discussion with the leaders is The Pope.

I have no idea what\'s going on, I\'ve never heard nor seen any such event. Massive Cathedrals tearing their way from underground to the surface. Destroying homes and parts of cities. There are even reports of a new land just forming from nothing with a hole above it dropping buildings onto it. There are reports of people coming though the holes as well. "YOU BETTER HAVE AN EXPLAINATION TO WHY THIS IS HAPPENING ALEXANDER!!!" Gregory yells at me unlike anything before, I haven\'t even spoken yet. Many flinch at the voice of Gregory and I just sigh, we don\'t need such chaos with the war going on. I can see why people would think the church is involved. Only we have the artifacts that cause such things, but this isn\'t something we can do.

The arguments between all leaders of every organization continue like this. As the hours pass all the people who have characters for Ancients World begin to wake up in a daze. Most wake up in their ruined homes that were sucked into the hole, and others wake up on streets. People who work in office buildings wake up in old looking buildings that have all kinds of foliage growing around. One such mother is in a frantic panic, since she is missing a son that she watched get taken from her.

I stand up in a panic and daze. I look around and I notice I\'m standing in the parking lot of Marty\'s, and I look over and see the diner. Except its covered in vines and grass, it looks like its been here for a long time. I look over at the massive buildings in the distance and see the same thing. I look around for my family and find everyone except for.... "CCCEEERRRAAA!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!" Panic and fear rip through my screaming voice, I watched him get sucked up before anyone close by did. After he was gone, the rest of the incapacitated people soon followed. I\'m so lost in my screams for my baby boy that I fail to notice my husband trying to calm me down. I then feel a sting rip across my face.

I\'m brought back to reality and I look at my husband in shock, soon that goes away as I leap into his arms crying like no tomorrow. I have my entire family here with me except for Cera, I just cry and cry into my husbands chest. Soon the whole family is together weeping and crying. Unknown to the players most of Earth as merged with Gaia, and huge new lands have spawned because of it. All of mans biggest cities and creations look old now that grass and foliage cover them all, the strangest of this is all the players aren\'t quite sure what\'s going on and panic soon sets in. While the chaos among the players is happening there is a conversation happening between 2 beings.

Now that the collision is complete all that\'s left is for The Almighty Father to give me a body and administrative command. I watch the giant man shaped light wave his hands and begin crafting my body, the body is of the female gender. It has perfect curves and proportions, and has long white hair. I then feel a foreign sensation. Then I see darkness, and I feel a sensation that is also new. "Open your eyes." I hear a voice give a command and I follow it. I open my eyes to find the body I always wanted. I play with my fingers and toes, I run around and fall multiple time. I suddenly see the familiar status screens and lines of information I used to monitor the players. "I will trust them to you, but if you ever need help just come and ask." Soon I\'m in an unfamiliar place. The lands of heaven, or overworld are also abuzz with chatter. One such being is Michael and his father discussing things.

I get why father has brought them here, but giving the responsibility to the construct might have been a bad idea. I look over to my son Zern, or Cera, and see him sleeping as he floats. "When will you send him down as well?" As soon as I say those words I watch him disappear and head for Gaia in the same fashion the rest did. Looks like father isn\'t going to talk to me about anything right now, I really do wonder how the people of Gaia will adept. Only time will tell, well my father can tell me. He just wants to keep it a surprise.

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