Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 461 Villain Cultivator 2.0 (15)

Chapter 461 Villain Cultivator 2.0 (15)

Chapter 461 – Villain Cultivator 2.0 (15)

After parting ways with Josh, Miaomiao kept running in the dark, frustrated by the difference in strength. He wished he had the former strength as he could have killed the human in one move.

While running, Miaomiao attempted to awaken his sword dao. He recalled what his former mentor, Jia Shan, had taught him. He focused on enveloping his katana with his Qi.


As Miaomiao had done this a zillion times in the past, he reawaken his sword will. Then, it evolved into sword intent and sword dao in order. As soon as Miaomiao got back his sword dao, he stopped running.

He didn\'t stop running because of physical exhaustion – He ran out of Qi!

The Sword Domain of Miaomiao drained too much Qi. With his current cultivation, he couldn\'t use the usual undodgeable one-swing-one-kill technique. Miaomiao sat down and paced his breath, converting mana in his heart and the surroundings into Qi. He remained there until sunrise.


The next day morning, Miaomiao recovered his Qi. He continued traveling in the shade, avoiding empty fields and meadows. He arrived at the edge of the goblin forest at noon.

This border was different than the outpost camp and the previous fortress. It had fewer troops, and it seemed untouched by Shuri. Moreover, the forest border was only five kilometers away from the walls, which made it ideal for a target.

However, Miaomiao had some concerns. As he just ran into an immortal knight, he was worried that the fortress master might also be an immortal.

Miaomiao couldn\'t risk exposing his identity. Getting entangled in a fight against an immortal now wasn\'t ideal. Thus, he had a dilemma if he should attack this place.


Unfortunately, his FENIX urged him to find more sows to breed. Miaomiao threw the logical thoughts to the back of his head and licked his lips.

\'It\'s settled. I\'m going to attack that fortress at night. Wait for me, bitches.\'


At 11 PM, Miaomiao blended in the dark and got close to the wall. Using his hands, he climbed the 10m stone wall and reached a crenel. Then, he spread his Qi sense, scanning for life signatures.

A thousand life signatures formed a thousand dots and a radar map in his mind. Miaomiao vaguely sensed the location and the strength of every knight and mage within a radius of 500 meters. Although most of the dots gathered in the camp behind the wall, at least 200 soldiers patrolled the watchtowers and the battlements.

Ten of the soldiers were only five meters to the right of Miaomiao\'s location. They stood in a line formation, staring at the darkness in a daze. Some of them yawned while two of them rubbed their eyes. Nobody spotted him.

To the left, 50 meters away, another unit of 10 soldiers looked the same. Everybody wanted to sleep and end this pointless guard duty.

Miaomiao scanned through the soldiers\' strength. Then, he was surprised. Everybody had four mana circles while their captain had five. From the looks of it, they were a lot stronger than the adventurers and the knight captain woman Miaomiao had captured. Moreover, there was no woman in these two units.

After learning about his opponent\'s strength, Miaomiao devised a strategy. He deeply breathed out, releasing odorless and colorless gas toward the nearest group.

Incubi Dao had multiple abilities and utilities. The primary skill, Aphrodisiac Gas, was a basic ability for incubi to catch prey and fornicate with them, which was Miaomiao\'s favorite.

The second ability was related to the sleeping curse. Incubi could produce sleep gas through their breathing, and humans that inhaled the gas would succumb to drowsiness. Normally, incubi put their prey to sleep and made them dream about sex. While their prey had a sweet dream, the incubi would violate their prey and steal their life force.

In this case, Miaomiao had no intention of mating with men. He released the gas and put the first squad on the right into sleep.



The first unit sat one after another, causing the second unit 50 meters away to notice their odd actions.

The second unit\'s captain shouted, "Stop being lazy and get back on your post! You\'re setting a bad example for others!"

Despite his loud voice, no one in the first unit reacted or responded to the captain. They fell into a deep sleep.

Annoyed, the captain stomped toward the group, and he accidentally inhaled the sleeping gas in the area. He paused for a few seconds and collapsed.

Miaomiao giggled and converted his Qi to generate wind. He blew the gas toward the rest of the second unit\'s members. The colorless gas followed the wind and traveled through the second unit area. As Miaomiao had planned, the remaining knights fell asleep.

Miaomiao climbed up and rushed toward the sleeping knights. He stabbed them one by one, stealing their life force and getting rid of the resistance. In two minutes, the 20 men were put to sleep forever.

After taking care of the nearby units, Miaomiao checked the battlement. There were other units 100 meters away to the right and 300 meters away to the left.

\'Sooner or later, they will discover the corpse. Oh, well. Gotta get rid of the evidence.\'

Miaomiao widely grinned. He still remembered that he had a pocket dimension inside him. Without waiting for the guards to notice him and the corpses, he stored the bodies in his dantian universe and threw them to a Sun. He also ejected their souls out of his dantian universe, not allowing them to reincarnate and cause damage to his new dantian.

No corpse, no crime!

Miaomiao licked his lips and continued creating sleeping gas. He manipulated the wind to blow toward the east and west walls. However, he crept toward the east wing and left the west wing alone. As the left side was the direction toward the main fortress, immortals might lurk there, and Miaomiao didn\'t want to fight them now.

Continuing his task as Solid Snake, Miaomiao waited for the soldiers to fall asleep. He followed the path and took out every soldier he came across. Also, he never forgot to store the corpses and burn them using the natural flame from his star.


After cutting down 500 humans and traveling a few kilometers, Miaomiao found a roadblock. The path toward another fortress was cut off as Shuri had already destroyed a section of this wall.

Miaomiao grumbled. He failed to find a woman to abduct as all night guards were men. He wondered where all the women went.

After pondering for a while, Miaomiao had an idea. He remembered that Diaochan always made an excuse that abstaining from sleep was bad for her skin whenever she wanted to be lazy. Miaomiao wondered if that information was fact or a made-up myth.

\'They\'re probably in towns, right?\'

Miaomiao looked at one of the dead bodies next to his feet. He pursed his lips for a moment, and he came up with an idea. He stripped a knight\'s armor and wore it.

After putting on a full-plate armor, he inspected his body. As the knight uniform and the armor covered all his skin, and the bucket helmet only revealed his eyes, Miaomiao was confident that nobody could tell that a tall goblin was inside the armor.

Using the disguise, Miaomiao jumped down from the battlement, hoping to slip into the human\'s territory. But in front of him, several barrack buildings stood in the way.

Miaomiao spread his Qi sense to check the area. Then, he grinned.

Nobody lived in this area. These buildings were empty as if they were for reserved troops or they had been abandoned.

Without guards, Miaomiao slipped into the barrack district and kept traveling further away from the wall. After walking for three kilometers, Miaomiao came across a long line of fences, which separated the army district and the residential district.

Miaomiao looked at the steel fence and the barbed wires. They reminded him of modern fences that many armies used, but they were useless here. He jumped over the fence and landed on the other side. Then, he gazed at the massive farmland that was hidden in the dark.

The goblin eyes gleamed and provided enough light for Miaomiao to see through the dark. He noticed big and small brick buildings 200 meters away, a stone road, and fields of cabbages. He scanned further for life signatures and instantly found commoners and weak humans. Most importantly, Miaomiao found women!

\'Alright. But meh, I don\'t like regular women. They will die after giving birth to one of my children. I need cultivators or knights with trained physiques so they can recover faster.\'

Miaomiao ignored the farmer\'s village and proceeded further deep into the territory. He flew at a low altitude for five kilometers, passing three more farmer villages. After going deep enough, Miaomiao came across a big city. The usual battlements and walls surrounded it.

Seeing how humans overly protected their big cities, Miaomiao grumbled.

\'Paranoid pricks. Should I just stick with farmers and avoid cities?\'

It was already 2 AM. Miaomiao didn\'t have enough time to waste as he had to allocate additional time for the return trip. As Miaomiao was low on time, he braced for danger and approached the big city.

Using the advantage of night sight, Miaomiao avoided the checkpoint and the patrol guards on the battlements. He leaped so high that nobody noticed his silhouette and crossed over the wall. Then, he softly landed on a rooftop of a two-story building behind the city wall.

Just like that, Miaomiao was in, but his task was far from over. He scanned every townsmen\'s strength, checking if any immortal or strong humans were around.

1… 2… 5… 7…

A total of 12 immortals lived in the city!

Miaomiao clicked his tongue. He needed to be quick and silent. Thus, he mapped the immortals\' location in his mind and searched for a blind spot in the city.

Fortunately, the immortals gathered inside the largest mansion at the center of the city. As for the other strong opponents, they scattered throughout the resident district, where Miaomiao was.

Miaomiao began his plan. Instead of burning, pillaging, or looting the town, he spread sleeping gas around him. Patiently, slowly, but surely, he enveloped every building in a radius of 500 meters with his incubi gas.

Drunkards in taverns fell asleep one after another. Night patrol guards yawned and sat down. Then, they dozed off. As for the people that had been sleeping, they didn\'t even realize that they fell unconscious.

3 AM, Miaomiao stopped spreading gas. He began his work, searching for female mages, knights, or adventurers. Unlike the outpost, fortress, or military camps, 70% of the population in the city was women!

Miaomiao\'s brother was rock solid. He wondered how many girls he could harvest.

\'Nom-Nom Munya!\'

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