Hitman x Wives

Chapter 119 119- Attached

Chapter 119 Chapter 119- Attached

Chapter 119- Attached

In the middle of the destruction, two silhouettes could be seen close to each other with their backs facing the same way.

As the cloud of smoke dispersed slowly, their silhouettes were revealed more and more until it was finally fully clear. Kai was now behind Mikayla, standing still with his sword in his hand. His posture was straight and elegant as if he was an immovable mountain.

Right behind him, Mikayla was also standing still but for some reason, he looked odd. A few seconds of pure silence passed before the old man finally moved and fell to his knees.

Looking closely, Kaya could see a small slit on his cheek that was oozing blood. It wasn\'t dangerous. But, seeing that injury on her foster father was still a shocker. This was the same old man that could slice a building in half as if it was tofu and could erase a whole fleet of soldiers with a single slash of his sword.

In all the years she knew him, Kaya had never seen Mikayla get a scratch let alone a bloody injury and yet here he was, completely defeated.

"Hahaha…" The old man, who was motionless for a while, chuckled weakly before he lifted his hand and touched his injured cheek.

"It\'s my lose, huh?"

"..." Kai looked back as he sheathed his sword before exhaling a long breath. His aura returned to its normal cold, apathetic state.

\'He stopped Atomic Slash.\' Kai thought to himself as he recalled what happened at the last second.

Just before their clash, a huge dog appeared in the middle and tried to stop them. But, the poor thing got eradicated in a split second by the two incoming attacks.

Then, they clashed. Kai\'s Atomic Slash and Mikayla\'s Breathless Death and for a second, Kai\'s vision was blinded. However, he could clearly hear his attack clashing with the old man\'s. A series of clinging sounds drummed loudly in his ears.

Atomic Slash was an attack that relied on immense speed and accuracy to completely eradicate the enemy from existence. It was lethal as well as hard to dodge or deflect because it was made out of hundreds or even thousands of slashes that happen in a split second.

On the other hand, Breathless Death was the first form of a very strong sword art called \'The Lunarian Sword Style\'. Its name is derived from a legendary race that descended from the moon on Earth in mythology books. It was a sword style that relied completely on strength and technique.

Each attack in that sword style is a catastrophe and the damage it deals is immense. It was also one of the reasons for Mikayla\'s destructive abilities as one slash from his sword using that art could cut through almost anything.

Breathless Death is basically one slash that can travel a very long distance and keep its immense strength. It was called breathless death because the target of that attack won\'t even have a second to breathe before they get eradicated from existence.

So, if immense speed and accuracy clashed with immense strength and technique, nobody could really predict what would happen, even Kai. By the time Kai landed on the ground, he could sense it behind him. Even Mikayla\'s Breathless Death couldn\'t handle Atomic Slash for long.

\'I could only hit him once. I guess his reputation is really well deserved.\'

"Damn it. What the hell was that? How many attacks was that technique made of? No, what sword style even is that?" Mikayla asked.


"Oh right. Your secret. Hngh." Standing up again, Mikayla turned around. "I assume that\'s the peak that I was looking for this whole time. I still have a very long way to go, ey."

"As I said before, Mr. Raullot. Don\'t ask for what could end your life. Seeking strength mindlessly is only going to spill your end just like how it spelled the end of countless people like you."

"Hahahaha! I appreciate the advice, young man. But, this is who I am as a man. I dedicated all my life to the sword and I won\'t quit now when I become an old wrinkled mess." Mikayla replied with a complicated smile.

"I see… Suit yourself."

"Old man! Did you want to die?!" Kaya finally approached the two and glared at the old man angrily. Then, she flashed Kai a concerned look for a split second before looking away. Kai could read her mind at that second.

\'Why did you do something so dangerous?\'

"Spare me the talks, Kaya. I had the fun of a lifetime fighting that little monster."

"Fun? You two almost destroyed the whole building!" She said.

"What are you talking abou-" Mikayal\'s eyes wandered around him and a flash of understanding appeared in his eyes. "Oh… I didn\'t think this would happen."

"God have mercy on my soul." Kaya facepalmed.

"Oh well, I will call them to come and fix it today. It\'s no big deal." The Sword God said coldly before he looked at Kai again.

"As per our agreement, Divinity shall not follow you. However, I\'m certain our paths will cross again, Black Phantom."

"It won\'t happen."

"No, it will definitely happen. You still don\'t realize it, kid. Your life is linked to this side of the world. No matter how much you try to run away from it, it will always pull you in again and again. Look at you, can you really live your life hiding that power of yours? You are different, Kid and those who are different can\'t really mingle well with the normal people. Origin users can\'t do that and so is the case for you."


"But, this is not my position to tell you what you should and shouldn\'t do. Just know that unless you erase the Underworld from its roots, you will never be able to escape its clutches."

"Old man, enough," Kaya said with a threatening tone. Even though she knew she shouldn\'t act this way or their plan would be uncovered but she didn\'t like how Mikayla spoke to her beloved.

Kai was indeed different but why would that be a good reason for him not to try to live his life peacefully? What\'s wrong with wanting to stay away from blood and death? Is his power really more important than his life? She refused to believe that was the case.

\'My darling can live however he wants. No one will be able to stop him from doing that and if they try, I will make sure to be the first one to make them regret it.\' She thought to herself as a hint of wickedness appeared in her eyes.

"I shall take my leave then." Kai didn\'t comment on what Mikayla said as he turned around and walked to the door.

"Four days from now, on the same time as today, I will return."

Then, Kai\'s silhouette vanished like mist under the father-daughter duo.

"Fuuh… That rascal really is a handful." Mikayla murmured.

"You will get yourself killed one day, old man."

"Oh shut up, would you? I\'m already old enough to be considered a walking fossil. Dying normally or by a sword to the heart, what difference would that make?"

"Mhm, whatever you say. Wait, oh right, isn\'t your birthday soon?" Kaya touched her chin as she recalled something.

Next month, her foster father will hit 120 years of age.

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