I created Magic!

Chapter 126 Sudden Attack


Flying through the sky at extreme speed, Alvin\'s laugh could be heard all around the forest as the wind carried his voice

"Haha don\'t worry young master, I\'ll be almost there!"

Saying this, Alvin suddenly increased his speed.

Although he enjoyed the feeling of flying, however, thinking of his upcoming battle with George and Davis, a tinge of excitement unknowingly crept up on his face.

Flying, in fact apart from the upcoming flight, what made Alvin so happy at the moment was the flying process itself.

Ever since he found out he could fly, Alvin could help but take scheduled daily laps in the air while he enjoyed the feeling.

So now once again experiencing the feeling of being one with the sky, Alvin had a smile on his face.


Soon, under Alvin\'s extreme speeds, the distance between him and Hogwarts which would have usually taken a few months while walking was unknowningly halfway covered.

However, just before Alvin could get happy that he had almost reached his destination, Alvin suddenly noticed something strange.

"Damn! Why do I sense a lot of aura rushing towards Hogwarts, and what is this burning smell?"

Stopping mid-air, Alvin could only delay his trip to scout his surroundings.

Thankfully, he didn\'t have to wait long as a sudden explosion brought his attention.


All of a sudden not too far in the northeast direction, a set of trees suddenly blew up making the surrounding vegetation catch fire.

Seeing this, Alvin didn\'t even hesitate and quickly dived in that direction.

"Damn! I hope it\'s not what I think it is!"

Cursing slightly, Alvin had a worried expression on his face as he dived toward the explosion.

"Arghh! Damn demons die!"

"Lilith let\'s go, we have to go warn teacher George and teacher Davis about what\'s going on here!"

Getting closer to the source of the explosion, Alvin began to hear slightly familiar voices thus confirming most of his earlier speculation.

Realising this, Alvin didn\'t waste any more time and quickly made his way to the source of the explosion.


Like a torpedo falling from the sky, Alvin\'s figure landed directly in the centre of the battlefield, raising a lot of dust and separating both sides.

*Cough cough*

*Nico what do you think just happened?*

*I\'m not sure Lilith*

*Aoma, are you okay?

Soon, under the heavy dust particles, along with some coughs, three distinct voices could be vaguely made out.

Hearing these voices, Alvin was hundred percent sure it was them.

Nico, Lilith, and Aoma!

Remembering the last time he saw them was almost half a year ago, Alvin wondered how they looked now.

*Sigh… speaking of looks, I wonder how they would react knowing their teacher Alvin had turned into a freak show*

Remembering his demonised appearance, Alvin couldn\'t help but worry about how they would react.

"However it\'s not time for that, I have to deal with this group of abyss demons first"

Thinking of the picture he saw just now before his skydive, Alvin\'s expression turned gloomy.

Just now while he was still flying in the air, Alvin saw around four abyss demons currently besieging three people.

Unfortunately due to the height, he didn\'t know that the three people being besieged were Lilith, Nico, and Aoma

Now realised it was them, Alvin suddenly found himself getting angry thinking of what would have happened if he arrived late.

So ignoring the voices of Lilith and the rest behind him, Alvin focused his face on the position of his opponent like a predator ready to strike as soon as the dust settled.

Luckily it seemed the wind was particularly strong today making the dust rise for not too long, and thanks to that after a few the figures of the abyss demons were quickly revealed before him.

At this time, in front of Alvin each at a height of three metres tall, covered in thick red skin, wings, a pair of curly goat horns, and a tail stood four abyss demons getting ready to strike

Unlucky for them, Alvin didn\'t give them a chance to resist.

"Body strengthening magic activate!"

Over the past year, apart from the increase in strength due to the abyss infection, Alvin\'s practice in magic could be said to have doubled thanks to the fact that he could currently cast simple spells almost immediately since he had memorised their rune shape.

Now coupled with his body being strengthened by the abyss aura, Alvin\'s increase in strength can be said to be almost unbelievable.


Under the shocked gaze of the abyss demon, Alvin\'s figure directly disappeared from the centre of the hole


With a loud splat, the next time he reappeared, his fist had already penetrated a demon\'s head causing it to explode

Seeing this both the demon\'s side and Lilith\'s side could help but be shocked

"Damn Lilith, who is that, what the hell is going on, and why is he so strong!"

Looking at Alvin\'s figure go, Nico\'s speech became slightly incoherent as he asked Lilth what was going on

However, hearing Nico ask her such a question, Lilth beside him couldn\'t help but roll her eyes speechlessly

"Idiot, how am I meant to know, didn\'t he just appear now in front of the three of us?" Said Lilith

Listing to get say this, Nico suddenly felt embarrassed obviously what she said was true



At this time when the two of them were still talking, Alvin\'s battle was completely in full force.

After seeing one of their own suddenly die, the three of them quickly reacted diluting Alvin\'s element of surprise effect.

Now the odds were stacked three against one, and Judging from the way things were going, Alvin still had the upper hand.



As time passed, the intensity of both sides grew so much that injuries started to appear on each other\'s bodies.

Seeing this, both Nico and Lilith unknowingly found themselves engrossed in watching the fight.

It wasn\'t until Aoma\'s voice suddenly sounded behind them that both of them quickly came back to their senses.

"Hey, don\'t you think the figure fighting them looks familiar?"

Hearing this, Nico and Lilith couldn\'t help but look closer at the figure fighting in front of them.

Sure enough, after a few minutes both their eyes widened as they couldn\'t believe what they say

"Damn! Isn\'t that teacher Alvin!" (×2)

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