Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 128 - The Wolf Loses His Cool

A sepulchral silence descended over the room. The servants, who Chu Yun never wanted to find out about his pregnancy until it was impossible to hide, were doing their best to disappear into the wall panelling. 

Xiao Zai\'s loud breath was audible in the quiet of the room. Chu Yun didn\'t know if he would be able to stop him this time.

"If you dare harm Chu-"

The King cut him off with a loud laugh. "Harm him? I would never do something like that. I know you aren\'t implying I would do something as taboo as hurt my own flesh and blood," he reached over the table to pat the back of Xiao Zai\'s hand. "It\'s normal to feel nervous about the birth of one\'s first child."

His smile took on a feral edge, his white teeth glinting. "Let\'s hope his Grace can give you many more...Who knows? When the heavens bless their favourites it\'s not with drizzle but with rain."

The King\'s feelings about Xiao Zai\'s status as \'heavens favourite\' were obvious. But at least it underlined his intentions clearly. He wasn\'t going to let Xiao Zai reap the rewards of having gotten his alpha husband pregnant.

He would do everything in his power to terminate the pregnancy, and Chu Yun\'s life along with it. 

Chu Yun looked forlornly at the food in front of him. This was probably his last time enjoying food that wasn\'t completely bland and cooked under the strict supervision of Hua Nanyi, with ingredients she would need to personally buy herself.

He would miss seasoned food.

There was a beat of silence, all of them returning their attention towards the food in front of them.

After some time, the King cleared his throat.

"I do think it would be wise for the pregnancy to be kept under wraps," he said, in that same threatening tone he had used to refer to its \'fragility\'. "Considering the recent misfortune that befell the Crown prince, it seems prudent."

Chu Yun hummed, bringing a teacup to his lips. Prudent was an euphemism for \'I don\'t want you to do it.\' Now that he knew, the biggest motivation for Chu Yun and Xiao Zai to keep it a secret was gone. They actually benefited greatly if everyone else found out, considering that the only thing stopping Xiao Zai from having the overwhelming support of the majority of ministers they had talked with was his lack of heirs.

Of course, the King knew that as well. Which was why Chu Yun didn\'t want anyone to know, because he didn\'t want to be in the position of running against time. The time until the child was born, and the time the King had to try and kill them both.

"That was our intention as well," Chu Yun said blandly. 

The King smiled at him. "Pregnancy looks good on Miaoyan, he\'s much more agreeable than the last time we spoke."

Chu Yun\'s smile didn\'t slip, but it was a close thing. He hated any implication that being pregnant made him \'less\'. But he knew to expect it moving forward. Part of him wanted to hide away until the child was born, and then present them to society as if having been adopted by him and Xiao Zai.

It was a small, petty feeling, but Chu Yun didn\'t think anyone else had ever been in his position to know what it felt like.

Xiao Zai laid one hand over Chu Yun\'s inner arm, reassuring him with his touch.

"I think it\'s best if his Majesty returns early to the palace, it might snow and the roads will become slippery," Xiao Zai said, raising to his feet with finality.

The King smirked but rose to his feet, feeling magnanimous after finally finding his way under Chu Yun\'s skin.

"Perhaps it\'s for the best, walk me out, boy," he waved towards Xiao Zai with a paternal smile that set Chu Yun\'s teeth on edge. "Let Miaoyan and Bailiu chat for a little longer."

Chu Yun could tell that refusal was on the tip of Xiao Zai\'s tongue, but in the end he knew it was the fastest way to get rid of his father and followed him out of the hall.


Xiao Zai had never expected to find his father and dam at his estate after returning from the seamstresses\' to check on the progress of Chu Yun\'s cloak.

  As the meal went on, his good mood had only soured. 

He accompanied the King to the royal carriage stationed inside the gates and then stepped a few paces to the side, to avoid being overheard by any of the nearby guards.

"So, you managed to get an alpha pregnant?" the King said, as soon as he reached Xiao Zai. He sounded almost appreciative.  "It\'s good to see that despite being coddled by Bailiu all your life you still turned out to be a real alpha."

Xiao Zai said nothing, determined to avoid raising to his father\'s bait.

Of course, that only made him want to try harder to get under his skin. "I suppose an alpha would understand the concepts of loyalty and honour, unlike those mewling omegas," he said pensive, rubbing at his chin. "What he did? Spending an entire night in the snow just to speak with you --and while pregnant-- I respect that. An omega would have just made a scene and fainted on the spot."

Xiao Zai grit his teeth, he didn\'t know where the King was trying to get with this but it was nowhere good. 

He clapped Xiao Zai on the shoulder, a kindly father about to impart some wisdom onto the younger generation. "I understand why you\'re so fond of him, and for an alpha he\'s very attractive, but then again those Xin foxes have always been more fine-boned compared to wolves."

Xiao Zai shook off the King\'s hold with a grimace. Hearing him talk about Chu Yun like that turned his stomach, he was only glad that Chu Yun wasn\'t there to hear it as well.

"The hour grows late, his Majesty should return to he palace safely," he bit out. It pained Xiao Zai that his dam would be going with him as well, but there was nothing he could do about that. Gu Wei was part of the royal harem, the royal palace was his only home in Haolin. 

At least while his father drew breath. 

The King nodded with a sigh. "You\'re in such a hurry to see me go, but I wonder if that\'s only because you\'re afraid of what I have to say."

He was used to his father\'s schemes, if Xiao Zai gave him the opportunity he would flay him alive with his words, and send him into a spiral of doubt and resentment. "No, I just worry the roads will become slippery."

The King guffawed, but there was no mirth in his expression. His fake joy reminded Xiao Zai of an actor\'s ghost mask. 

"Come now boy, you can\'t think your seed is so potent, or that you fucked him so well, that he got pregnant from your virility alone."

Xiao Zai frowned deeply, unable to hide his disgust. His father was a beast. Who spoke with their children like that? What kind of animal set aside all the rules of propriety and civility to speak so vulgarly about his own son\'s husband?

He wouldn\'t dignify any of that with an answer. 

Of course the King wouldn\'t be so easily deterred. "Perhaps you think the heavens do favour you?" He smiled condescendingly. "Perhaps now, as they have at no point before in your life, they\'ve finally decided to cast their gaze towards you? Do you think your fox whore is carrying som--"

Xiao Zai couldn\'t stand hearing another word. "Say another vile thing about him, and I\'ll cut you where you stand, I know I won\'t live a moment after, but I swear I\'ll do it." His hissed words were as cold as a sword\'s edge, and Xiao Zai meant every single one of them. 

He might die, but at least he\'d go knowing his father wouldn\'t be a threat to his family.

The King\'s smirk widened and he took a step closer to Xiao Zai, their noses an hairsbreadth apart. "He must have a tight hole, to make you lose your mind and threaten your King so brazenly."

Xiao Zai\'s hand flew to the dagger at his waist, it was ceremonial, but its blade was keen, it could kill just as well any other sharp thing. 

Before he got to it the King kneed him in the stomach, making him lose his balance. Two guards had come closer at the first signs of an altercation. The King reached for the sword in the scabbard of the nearest one and held its edge against Xiao Zai\'s neck.

Xiao Zai stood up, straightening his back and raising his chin to meet his father\'s eyes. A moment later he could feel the tip of the other guard\'s sword between his shoulder blades.

"A son attacking his father," he shook his head with a forlorn sigh, "It makes the heavens weep.. But then again, you were raised by a traitor so it\'s all you know. Tell me, what would you do if you knew that this time the one he betrayed is you?"

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