Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 151 - Day Of Mating - Part 2

"I really don\'t think it\'s going to be a problem," he said to his friend with a smile.

"No harm in being prepared," Dunken said. "Sasha-dan gives them too many reasons to consider her, so let\'s balance it out."

Zev shook his head, but didn\'t interfere when Dunken raised a lip at one of the Tigers, sitting at the foot of the tree in the center of the village. The tiger snarled, but didn\'t get to his feet.

Zev ignored him. As Alpha, he could ignore most of them if he chose, though it wasn\'t his way. But he would do everything he could to avoid conflict today of all days. If someone wanted to show off, or challenge, or bait him, let them do it when he and Sasha were safely mated and back from their solitude.

The solitude…

Every time he thought of all that time alone with Sasha, the freedom to do whatever they chose, whenever they chose, his entire chest squeezed. Then his ribs would ache and he\'d be reminded the other reasons why he wanted to avoid all possible conflict today.

Laying in the frozen dirt had been helpful in bringing the swelling and pain down overnight. But as soon as he\'d started moving, that entire side of his chest screamed. It had taken a good fifteen minutes and several circuits around the tree in his wolf form before he\'d felt like it was wise to jump up to the platform and go inside.


He blinked back to the present and looked at Dunken, who was frowning, his knuckles white on the grip of his thick spear.

"What\'s going on with you this morning?"

"I didn\'t sleep great," he said. "But don\'t worry, I am more than ready to get this done."

"Shall we run?" Dunken asked. They were passing through the village to pick up more supplies to run out to the cave where Zev and Sasha would spend the solitude.

"Good idea," Zev said, flashing a grin, then shifting into the wolf,

Dunken, who was still undressing and hadn\'t shifted yet, looked down at him, shaking his head. "That fucking black suit is ridiculous. You know your fur sticks out at the neck and paws…" He trailed off, rolling his eyes.

Zev snorted and started to run, biting back a yelp when he pushed into the stride a little too quickly and his rib gave him a jab.

But Dunken had already stripped and shifted too, and leaped past him, his massive horns curving up and over his head and neck in two long, wicked arches.

As they ran through the village and the wood, Zev\'s heart felt light for the first time in… well, in five years, he thought. Excpet maybe for the hours he\'d spent at the bathing pools with Sasha, he couldn\'t remember anytime when he wasn\'t weighed down by it all—things that had to be done, things that should have been done, things that he wished had never been done…

He shook his head and ran on.

Today was not a day for regretting the past. Today was a day for celebrating the future.



Yhet couldn\'t fit into the house, but he\'d stood at the platform outside, calling for her.

"Sasha, I have a mating day gift for you!"

She and Kyelle had been discussing how to dress her hair. Sasha frowned at Kyelle who shrugged, but smiled.

Getting up from her chair, Sasha pulled the door open so the morning sunlight spilled in. It was so bright, and the sun so low on the horizon, she had to shade her eyes with her hand to stop from being blinded.

"What is it, Yhet?" she asked, then realized she was looking too high.

She tipped her head down, shading the sun more with her hand and found Yhet\'s hairy face. He stood with his elbows leaned on the platform that she had to climb to reach, a wide, toothy grin on his face, and eyes sparkling.

"I found something I wanted to give you for your mating day," he repeated, his voice a low, delighted rumble.

"You\'re very sweet. What is it?"

"Close your eyes and hold out your hand."

Sasha narrowed her eyes. Yhet\'s smile was getting wider, and he almost seemed to be hopping he was so eager to see her. "What are you up to?"

"I\'m trying to give you a gift!" he said, looking wide-eyed and innocent. "You suspect me of a plot, Sasha? I am wounded!"

"No, I just…"

Yhet gave her an exaggerated frown, like a child attempting to show their disappointment.

Sasha sighed. "Okay then." She closed her eyes, tipped her head back, and put out one hand.

With a deep snigger, Yhet moved. Sasha was tempted to open her eyes a crack, but if her friend wanted to give her a surprise, she thought it was better to let him do that.

So she frowned, but still didn\'t open them when something warm and sticky was placed in her hand.

Then she was afraid to look.

Had Yhet brought her some strange Chimera delicacy? Was she going to accidentally offend him if she couldn\'t eat it, or…

She swallowed hard. "What is it?"

"Open your eyes," he said and she could hear the beaming smile in his voice.

Tentatively, Sasha opened her eyes and looked down… then she began to giggle.

In her open, flat palm, Yhet had placed a small piece of honeycomb, already leeching its golden goodness all over her fingers.

"Honeycomb? What—" Then she remembered. Half laughing, half-mortified, she looked at Yhet with wide eyes.

"You get to eat the honey now," Yhet said, snorting with laughter. "Enjoy!"

Kyelle stared at them both, confused. "I don\'t get it."

Sasha suddenly got the giggles and Yhet boomed laughter they could probably hear back in the human world.

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