Spending My Retirement In A Game

Chapter 526 The Wood-Giants Organs

They had the materials that they needed with them in the dungeon, so Sigurd had the Humanoid Dungeon monsters on the first floor mass-produce it and then placed each big bundle of it down onto the ground in front of the gate whenever it was done so that Eisen could just grab it whenever.

Either way, the muscles were a part that would have to come just before the end, so just before Eisen attached the last ’shells’, or the ’skin’ and armor, to the Wood-Giant’s body.

First, Eisen had to work on the Wood-Giant’s interior. And ’Interior’ meant ’Organs’. As the Giant’s body was quite big, that came to show that the organs would be quite huge as well. So, Eisen had a fair amount of space to work with for the different systems.

The ’Heart’ would end up being the system that makes the Golem-Blood flow through the veins while also equally distributing and creating mana to keep the different systems actually running.

And not only that, but the heart would also end up housing the Golem-Core so that it would be able to actually handle all that distribution subonsciously.

But then there were still the other organs. Since the Golem didn’t actually need to breathe, Eisen thought that it instead was a good idea to turn the lungs into giant mana-storage centers, just like he already did with most of his other golems. Just that this time, there would be a far larger variety with a far larger amount of mana that could be stored. Since Eisen could compress crystals an insane amount with his ’Mastered Alchemy’ Skill, the mana batteries that would end up fitting into the lungs would be able to store tens of millions of MP.

With a satisfied expression, Eisen just got started and compressed and enchanted everything how he needed to, quickly creating a large amount of pure-mana batteries, as well as a high number of different elemental batteries.

These batteries were then all properly connected to the place where the Golem-Core would end up being later on, so all Eisen needed to do was to really create the golem core and then hook the threads and ’cables’ up to it.

Then, there were the other parts of the Wood-Giant. Eisen figured another important one to be the stomach. Of course, the Golem wouldn’t be able to eat anything. Or rather, it wouldn’t need to. But instead, he would be able to store things by swallowing them. Eisen still had a fair amount of spatial gems with him, after all. Since that was the case, he could really create a pretty big spatial storage, since the stomach was large enough in itself. And luckily, with one of Eisen’s newest Abilities, the material storage, he could most like further increase the potency of the storage system.

And as Eisen tested already before, liquids were seen as a type of material, so Eisen was able to store them in his material storage as well.

For now, the way that Eisen wanted to go through with this was rather simple. He would simply make different larger containers for different types of materials, mainly three different ones, however. Liquids, Solids, and even Gases.

The Liquids and Gases would have more sections to them, of course, since those would end up mixing together otherwise. Eisen created wooden, slightly compressed shells for the stomach and then covered the inside with a layer of a heavily-compressed molten alloy made up of different magic metals, gems and crystals enchanted with the material storage ability, and of course, the spatial gems enchanted with the same ability.

Other than that, Eisen also carved some more enchantments into the metal-crystal alloy. In the end, the stomach was now split up equally into the three states of matter, and the liquid and gas states also had three sub-sections to them so that three different specific kinds could be stored in each.

And then, when the stomach was mostly put together, Eisen created a simple sorting system that would make sure the things that were swallowed by the Wood-Giant would end up in the right section. It required a little bit of programming-like logic, but that wasn’t as much of an issue to Eisen anymore since he had a fair amount more experience with enchanting now.

After the stomach was done as well, Eisen started thinking about some other internal organs and what kinds of uses they could have in this Wood-Giant. The only parts with a proper use that Eisen could come up with for now were the Liver and the Kidneys.

Quite simply, the Liver was supposed to do the same job as a regular liver. It was supposed to process the contents of the blood to ensure the composition remains the same. So, Eisen wanted to create something like a potion-brewing system inside of the liver. It would simply end up being something like the mass-production system, simply a slight bit re-shaped so that it would properly fit into the space of the liver.

And of course, on top of that, there would be a condition placed onto it to make sure it would only create the Golem-Blood when there wasn’t enough inside of its body.

Eisen would create a small extra storage space inside of the cavity that would stay behind in the place where the bladder and intestines could usually be found. Those were the only parts that Eisen figured to be relatively ’useless’ inside of the Wood-Giant.

He wanted to store a lot of different things in there, really. Not only the materials needed for the blood, but also different tools and weapons that the Wood-giant could make use of.

That storage space would get an extra sorting condition before entering the stomach to make the ingredients for the potion enter that other storage space. Eisen figured that he could see that storage space as the ’Bladder’, just to compare it to something at all.

Since Eisen already had a potion-mass-production system leftover in the dungeon, he just needed to reforge some parts of it and place it into the shell that he created for the liver. Then, he of course also placed something like an analysis module inside of it that would check if there was anything foreign in the blood. That foreign thing would then be filtered out, and the blood would be refilled through the potion-brewing system shortly after.

After the liver was done, he got started with the kidneys. Basically, those would be another small storage system that would take care of some of that foreign matter in the blood. It would be a just-in-case system, of course, but Eisen wanted to be prepared for anything just in case.

Either way, after he was done with these internal organs, he created spaces where he would place a couple of different tools. Things like smoke bombs, grenades, throwing-knives, et cetera. The Wood-Giant’s lower stomach would be able to be ’flipped’ open so that the Giant could access everything pretty easily.

And then, the only internal organ that was left for this wood-giant was one. The brain. It was one of two things that Eisen took inspiration from the core-guardians from. One of those two things was the golem-blood flowing through the Wood-Giant’s veins. And the other part was the special hand-blown glass-brain that would be covered in a very, very thin layer of Margon inside of it. Eisen melted down the different materials that he needed to make the special glass-brain, which included a very basic ability. One that Eisen only recently became able to make use of.

After he got the ’Mastered Enchanting’ skill, he became able to use very basic abilities, the type that were ingrained in the soul even. That, and purely physical abilities.

And the physical ability that he wanted to make use of now was the processing power of the human brain, which he enchanted onto numerous crystals that he mixed into the glass. After the glass had molten down enough, Eisen used a pipe to properly blow the glass into a long pipe.

It seemed like Eisen’s multitool was slightly jealous that he was using another tool, however... Which seemed slightly weird to him, if he had to be perfectly honest.

Either way, after Eisen blew the glass into the shape of glass tubes, he tried his best to shape them into the glass brain all the whilst adding the Margon that he had been trying to create more of over the past few weeks into the inside of those glass tubes.

Since Eisen was doing this while in his regular size, the pipes were that thin as well. But Eisen still tried to create the brain in the full size that was necessary for the Wood-Giant.

It took a while, until the end of the day even, but in the end Eisen was able to get this done as well and just made sure that the glass was properly cooling inside of a large annealer. Since this all took two days already due to the sheer size, Eisen figured that it wouldn’t be an issue to take a third day to put everything together.

And that’s exactly what Eisen did. He first created the full skeleton out of the special bones that included not only the base bone but also some veins and muscles, and then proceeded to place the main organs, beside the heart, into place.

After the main organs were set in place already together with the extra spaces that Eisen added into the places where the intestines would usually be. Then, he quickly got started with setting the musculature into place everywhere where it needed to be, exept the place where Eisen later had to insert the heart.

The heart that he would now create so that it could properly pump and distribute the golem-blood and mana, while also housing the ego-golem core for this wood-giant.

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