Hagakure Sakura Does Not Lament

Chapter 25

–Radon is definitely dead… Defeating a monster that traces a copy of immortality. Does Tsugumi know how difficult that is?

Bell looked at the site of the lake, where shards of glittering ice danced in the air. There was only one place in the area where the ice had not fallen on the circle – the place where Tsugumi was standing.

Tsugumi was looking at the pile of ice with blurry eyes. He wobbled, swaying from side to side, as if he could fall at any moment. Bell walked over to his side and called out to his back.

“Radon is completely silent. –Tsugumi, you win.”

The video relay with the outside world had already been cut off. There must be a big commotion outside by now.

Tsugumi slowly turned around and looked at Bell’s face, nodded as if to chew on his earlier words, and fell to the ground with a wry smile. The tension had been broken.

At the same time as Tsugumi fell, the mouth of a black beast sprang up from the ground. Looking at that scene alone, it’s hard to tell which one of them was the Demonic Beast, but such is always the case.

The energy of an A-class Demonic Beast was enormous. Tsugumi himself should be strengthened, if not to the extent of the previous battle, if it could absorb all the energy it could.

The resources were being used to repair the torn limbs at the same time, and at this rate, the body should return to normal without any problems.

–But the wounds to the soul were something else.

Even if his body was restored, the fact remained that he sacrificed his own body. His soul was missing, as were the limbs and organs that were eaten.

If Tsugumi did something similar as he did this time, the next time he would be devoured, his soul and spirit would be devoured as well.

She didn’t know what the impact would be at this stage, but unless it happened to Tsugumi first, she couldn’t confirm that either.

“…This guy, he doesn’t even know my feeling.”

Bell looked at Tsugumi, who was happily exposing his unprotected sleeping face.

She was not sure how she felt about it, but she was careful not to wake him and gently brushed the black hair from his face. He was still covered in blood and dirty as ever, but he still looked the most beautiful he had ever looked.

Bell wanted to burst out laughing at herself for thinking such a thing. Maybe she was a little biased too, seeing how Tsugumi fought.

‘But it’s not bad.”

She felt like bragging out loud to the other Gods who were probably still watching somewhere. Her contractor was so wonderful.

“Sleep now. –Please, have a good dream.”

◆ ◆ ◆

–[Magical Girl Chat Comprehensive 6675]–

This is a general thread for topics related to currently active Magical Girls.

No trolling/sleaziness


316 Anonymous

Is the traffic restriction lifted yet?

The highways are closed too, so I can’t go home to my parents if this keeps up.

317 Anonymous

I heard there will be an A-class Demonic Beast in rush to return home at the end of the year…

Is it a bad year or something?

318 Anonymous

There are still guys fighting it out there, so have a little patience.

They’re saying the kid is confirmed dead.

319 Anonymous

Why not just replace her with Rikka?

That way it’ll be over soon.

320 Anonymous


That’s not true.

Don’t you have a human heart?

321 Anonymous

The exclusive thread of Hagakure Sakura is in a state of sniffing and screaming.

A guy who lives in Shizuoka is doing a video of it, but it’s hard for me to watch him sobbing.

322 Anonymous

I saw a little bit of it too, but it was so bad it was like a monster movie.

Magical Girls are amazing to fight against that kind of thing.

323 Anonymous


A lot of people criticize me for looking like an idol these days, but when I see something like this, I bow down.

I know these girls are like professional soldiers, but it’s not like they don’t properly appreciate fighting Demonic Beasts.

324 Anonymous

Most of the people on this thread are just a bunch of spawns who can’t even stand on a foundation to fight.

You should be more grateful to the Magical Girls of the world, prostrating your head against the ground.

325 Anonymous


But the child fighting in Hakone is treated like a mercenary because she’s a stray.

326 Anonymous

Is she really a stray?

So she’s fighting out of her own will, right?

How can a C-class take on an A-class and win?

327 Anonymous


Apparently, due to government management error and a glitch in the prediction system, there were no Magical Girls available to be dispatched immediately.

If Hagakure Sakura hadn’t fought, thousands of residents would be dead.

328 Anonymous

Shouldn’t the government reflect more?

329 Anonymous

The media is going to have a rough day tomorrow…

I hope it’s not a harbinger of things to come, like the Yata no Kagami glitch.

330 Anonymous

[Breaking News] Sakura Hagakure Defeats A-Class Demonic Beast

Traffic restrictions will be lifted in a few minutes.

331 Anonymous


What the hell is this guy talking about?

332 Anonymous

That’s not funny for a joke.

333 Anonymous

Dude, I’m serious.

Go to the real world and watch the video. She really took that guy down.

334 Anonymous

It’s funny how the exclusive thread goes from a pitiful state to a big ovation.

335 Anonymous

I’ll post the link to the video here as well. You should really watch it because it’s bad.


336 Anonymous

I’m gonna go take a look.

~~ A chat of half-trust and half-suspicion continued for a while.

393 Anonymous

What the hell is that! What is this!

394 Anonymous

When did Magical Girls even get awakening skills? (confused)

395 Anonymous

Seriously, that’s amazing!

Isn’t this the greatest accomplishment since Shizuku Yukino!?

396 Anonymous

How can you move that much when you’re bloody and wobbly…

I’m a little impressed by the way she went about it.

397 Anonymous

The moment the ice fell, I couldn’t help but cheer.

Isn’t it amazing how she calculated all that?

398 Anonymous

From today, I will stop being a fan of Hyuga-chan and become a follower of Hagakure-san.

399 Anonymous

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen battle footage that struck me in two hearts like this.

400 Anonymous

The part in the middle of the scene, like the conversation scene with the contract God, looks like she’s leaving a will…

I don’t know what she’s talking about, but it almost made me cry.

401 Anonymous

How did she lose her limbs?

That’s what I don’t understand the most.

402 Anonymous

I can’t keep up with the rapid development in the second half …

If she was so strong, shouldn’t he have fought that way from the start?

403 Anonymous

Why didn’t it say “Gore Warning”!!!!

The bloody rate is too high!

404 Anonymous


Is it pure?

That’s what Magical Girl fights are all about.

405 Anonymous


I know it must be an A-class blowout, but it seems pretty forced to me.

Is this Magical Girl child okay? Did she die in the collision or something?

406 Anonymous




I’m a serious student of Reiko mechanics, and I think that Hagakure Sakure is just temporarily stronger.

She lost a limb along the way, right?

That’s the easiest way for Magical Girls to improve.

It has to do with the sacrifice system, but that’s a long story, so I won’t go into it.

But, well, as you can see, it’s a strenuous act, so I’m sure there will be some repercussions.

407 Anonymous

What, so this is going to be her retirement?

I was going to vote for Rikka next year because she was cool.

408 Anonymous

Oh, speaking of which, the entry requirements for Rikka have been met.

Maybe it could rival last year’s Yukino Shizuku in terms of buzz.

409 Anonymous

If she can always maintain that level of competence, she’ll do well in Rikka.

But still, it’s a death-mad frame after the Sword Kichi in second place of the order…

That’s heartbreaking!

410 Anonymous

Mibu-san’s treatment as a sword nut is indeed grassy.

411 Anonymous

But I’ll definitely vote for her if she actually enters.

Hakone is my hometown. My family doesn’t live there now, but I’m so glad the town wasn’t damaged.

412 Anonymous


There aren’t many Magical Girls with that kind of determination, so I’d like to see her continue if she can.

If she doesn’t retire, maybe she’ll be in rehab for a while.

413 Anonymous


I know I’m late to the party, but that girl is alive.

It’s a government announcement, so I’m pretty sure.

414 Anonymous

But this Hagakure Sakura girl is amazing.

It’s complete self-sacrifice.

I feel like in a different era, she could have been treated as a hero..

415 Anonymous

I envy her that she seems to get along so well with the contracting Gods.

The kids who belong to the government are kind of businesslike.

416 Anonymous

I don’t like the trend of dissing the government.

The government is doing its best through trial and error in its own way.

417 Anonymous


Thanks for your hard work, government spinner.

We all know that, but it’s reasonable to expect this kind of a trend when a stray child with no obligation to fight stands out.

418 Anonymous

And the government actually failed this time.

Shouldn’t we increase the number of Magical Girls for the future?

419 Anonymous


The absolute number of gods who make the contract is not enough.

420 Anonymous


The qualified personnel is also limited.

There are lots of girls who want to be Magical Girls.

421 Anonymous

Because of things like this case, there should be more picking up strays.

422 Anonymous

There are some talents like Hagakure Sakura.

Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

–And the person who was looking at one of the threads let out a big sigh as he sat deep in his plush leather chair.

“–‘Hero’, huh? That’s not a very good trend.”

The owner of the voice, who sounded like a cranky old man, muttered to himself as he crumpled up a letter.

“The only one who should be a hero is Sakura Akane. I’m sorry you had to go through all that trouble, Hagakure-kun. –It would have been somewhat easier if you had just died like that.”

Although he said so lightly, his expression was very stiff. It was as if he was repenting of something.

As if to vent, the owner of the voice said.

“The end of a hero is always a given. –Twenty-two years ago, she had no choice but to die. We should no longer create victims who are crushed by the people’s expectations. –As long as that is the will of the One.”

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